    Hololens 2: What’s new
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    • Hololens 2: What’s new

    Hololens 2: What’s new

    Augmented reality technology is reshaping how businesses manufacture, repair and upskill a workforce, etc. The arrival of Microsoft’s HoloLens 2 marks the tipping point for AR and wearables. According to recent stats, the wearables market is expected to reach up to 615 million units by 2025. More importantly, with the HoloLens 2 wearable, there is no need to have a computer, a monitor or a keyboard required to perform tasks at work. This device completely turns your office into a pair of glasses that you can use anytime and anywhere. Sounds impressive, right? Let’s find out more details below!

    Microsoft HoloLens 2: The future on your face

    Being a second-generation headset, this device introduces massive improvements in gesture recognition, larger field-of-view, and overall ergonomics. However, Microsoft did not intend it for gamers or consumers’ space. The target audience is enterprises that can exploit its potential for their growth and put AR in a broad range of workflows. For instance, partnering with Magic Leap, Wayfair used headsets to provide a more unique experience for shoppers. Trimble integrates HoloLens 2 into a variety of field applications while Walmart has used 17 000 Oculus Go headsets to train employees.

    Key Features Comparison: HoloLens vs Hololens 2

    When using the Hololens 1 device, employees would definitely know what advantages this model has. Not only do teammates have the ability to share their views or opinions with their co-workers in real time, but also this device simplifies collaboration and communication even if they are located in different parts of the world. Moreover, with the introduction of the Hololens 2 device, they should consider an upgraded device to discover what new features have been added. Let’s delve into details and find out what makes Hololens 2 device more powerful and sophisticated. Generally, Hololens 2 has improvements in the following:
    • Bluetooth connection;
    • Holographic Processing Unit (HPU);
    • storage space;
    • USB port.
    In addition to that, users can find a more powerful RAM card and some differences in the WiFI type. Not only does a new device reshape the way users interact with holograms, but also the new time-of-flight depth sensor enables users to directly manipulate AR-powered objects with their real-world “co-users.”

    Significant changes in Field of View (FoV)

    As you may know, when utilizing HoloLens of the first generation, the field of view (FoV) was a big complaint of the users — this device had a 16:9 aspect FoV and a 34-degree diagonal. How it works: users are able to see digital objects that interact with the real world when looking ahead. If they turn their head, those objects cut off or get completely misplaced. Taking that into account, Microsoft’s developers’ made some improvements — they expanded the field of view option up to  52-degrees diagonal in a new HoloLens 2 model. It has opened up a real advantage of the 2nd gen Hololens device.

    Eye-tracking possibility

    There was no eye-tracking option in Hololens 1 device. This feature is the only innovation in the Hololens 2 model that makes the interaction more natural. What’s more, with iris recognition, users can log in without entering a password. In addition to that, this feature avoids passing any sensitive information or biometrics. Hololens 2 device provides a sophisticated and innovative experience for users and ensures that eye-tracking option is accurate and secure.

    Ergonomics— a smaller and lighter  device

    When putting headsets on, you can feel it like a heavy and unnaturally balanced helmet. The new HoloLens 2 model provides you with some key options — improved wearing time and comfortability. Not only did Microsoft reduce the weight of the device up to 13 grams, but also the team of developers changed the place of moving mechanism by moving it to the back of the head. That made the HoloLens 2 device considerably lighter, perfectly balanced and more comfortable for everyday wearing in terms of adjustment position and size.

    Voice input improvements

    In both versions of the devices, you can find voice commands. When communicating your intentions with Hololens, voice input should be considered as a natural way of communication. It enables you to open a hologram without making a gesture by hand. Only by adding a voice feature into the Hololens 2 device can it be upgraded and dramatically enhanced. In addition to that, the voice input feature is equipped with the same engine supporting speech options in all Windows-based apps.

    Gesture Support option

    A gesture tracking feature was built in Hololens 2 device. Not only can you make gestures in the air, but also you can control objects directly from the displays. In a new device, the sensors can identify the articulations of each hand via the wrist or fingers - up to 25 points. Making gestures like clicking a button on your wrist, dragging, dropping or switching between objects in a virtual way, now has become a reality. In addition to that, the 2nd gen device can determine the palm’s direction such as finger-banding, hand motion or “picking things up.”

    Bottom line: Is your workforce equipped with Hololens 2 devices?

    In today’s digital world, Microsoft’s HoloLens 2 provides enterprises with industry-leading value and makes their experience more immersive and comfortable. Specifically built for businesses, both Hololens devices are here to help them change their workforces and improve efficiency in the enterprise environment. Being the next-generation mixed reality solution, HoloLens 2 model represents some impressive experience in the workforce environment and reshapes the way how employees get work done. What’s more, the device ergonomics make its use more comfortable, and the advanced eye-tracking and gesture support features present new opportunities and give businesses a real boost.  



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