    Outsourcing iOS game development Services

    Outsourcing iOS game development Services

    The iOS operating system, characteristic of the iPhone, is widely adopted by users with users. It attracts mobile game developers with the fact that iOS is reliable, and the multi-million audience of AppStore users gives serious motivation to programmers.

    What is game development on iOS

    Game development on iOS is a complex of special measures aimed at creating applications that can satisfy even the most demanding users of mobile gadgets. To effectively develop games working under iOS, it is necessary to have an in-depth knowledge of the OS and particular programming frameworks. 

    So what is game development on iOS? It:

    1. Advanced functionality, with which you can fully reveal all the capabilities of Apple processors. Combined with the full range of operating system technologies, the graphics platform will allow you to create great games that will be incredibly realistic.
    2. Fast loading of resources. This will allow asset information to be sent to Metal 3 textures and buffers directly from storage using asynchronous I/O. Thus, programmers are relieved of the need to create an infrastructure for loading.
    3. Offline compilation of shaders. Using the built-in Metal compiler, you can generate GPU binaries when you mix a project, which will ultimately allow games to improve performance and reduce the time spent on loading.
    4. Game controller frame. This system supports all game controllers across all Apple venues.
    5. Plugins Unity. iOS game developers can take advantage of the latest Apple technologies to create entertainment on the Unity platform. Using the plug-ins of this platform, you can connect entertainment to Game Center, Core Haptics, PHASE audio and other game controller platforms
    6. Game center. Players can learn about what's going on in games and chat with friends about their activities. Achievements can be viewed on the toolbar, which is provided with all games, and on the panel itself, you can find a ribbon that displays the gameplay of friends. Gamers can receive notifications about leaderboard activity and be aware of all the events in the game.

    Apple provides a lot of tools necessary for gdevelop iOS of various complexity. 


    Stages of development

    Creating mobile games is a complex technological process, so the development of such projects involves several stages:

    1. Market analysis. Specialists research the market to create a unique product.
    2. Technological solutions. At this stage, the team makes decisions regarding technologies and tools for creating the project.
    3. Design engineering. This stage contains the main idea of the future entertainment and the goals that will be achieved during creation.
    4. Programming and content creation. The initial version of the mobile game is created at this stage.
    5. Testing. The finished project is tested online to examine the product for errors and bugs.
    6. Revision. Correction of all defects.
    7. Release. Presentation of the product to a wide audience of users.
    8. Placement. Since the game was designed for iOS, it must be published on the AppStore platform.

    Launching a game requires a lot of resources and takes a lot of time. Therefore, many users use iOS game development outsourcing to save money.

    Why is it worth outsourcing the development of iOS games

    Developers of mobile entertainment for iOS often do not have enough resources for full-fledged work. It implies hiring qualified specialists and buying expensive equipment. That is why it is better to outsource iOS game development to our company for the following reasons:

    1. Lots of focused knowledge. Game development usually consists of a mass of essential steps which specialists with the necessary skills perform. They implement the best expertise and industry technologies in product development.
    2. No deadline disruption. Our outsourcing agency constantly keeps the customer informed of the development process, recording the results of the completed work every day.
    3. Mutual understanding. The outsourced company already knows the strengths and weaknesses of the employees, and tasks are redistributed based on this information. Interaction within the team is also at a high level, which avoids organizational and communication problems.
    4. Reduction of risks. If developers are unsure about an idea but want to test it, they hire outsourcing agencies. Getting your own staff is risky because it can fail to satisfy your expectations. An outsourced studio will provide a working prototype in time so the client can test the idea and mechanism.

    An essential advantage of iOS game development outsourcing is also saving your own resources. You do not need to buy all the tools and hire the staff to work on them. It is enough to contact us. 


    Why should you choose us?

    Our company focuses on process optimization, demonstrating the most loyal conditions of cooperation. The number of our clients constantly increases because we provide the following:

    • an individual approach to each consumer;
    • loyal price list of services;
    • the use of the latest technologies for development;
    • an extensive range of services.

    Our team does not stand still. Our employees constantly update their knowledge and look for new solutions to create unique products that meet market conditions. Therefore, we guarantee a result that our clients will be satisfied.

    Cooperation with our company begins with the following steps:

    • fill out an application for creating a game for iOS;
    • discuss all the important nuances necessary for development with a team of specialists;
    • conclusion of an agreement with prescribed conditions;
    • advance payments.

    Then, our team proceeds to execute the order. Our specialists keep you informed at each project stage and adhere to the terms specified in the contract. The latest software solutions, together with modern technological developments, guarantee the result required by the customer.



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