    Top 5 tips for VR development and design
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    • Top 5 tips for VR development and design

    Top 5 tips for VR development and design

    VR epoch approaches quickly. When successful technological companies provide money for VR development, people find out distinctive features in VR. Specialists assert that the VR emergence will be greater than an appearance of a mobile phone. A tendency of it is to produce a competitive and successful VR output by any company. What should VR experts think about and do? The VR experts should concentrate on a modern framework of 3D content instead of old-fashioned 2D concept. Consequently. it is necessary for every VR designer to To know a working process of VR and to give a brief description of Virtual Reality ideas in basic details. VR architects should be aware of all working mechanisms of VR. The VR software applications help them to understand it. They are Google Cardboard, Tilt Brush, Oculus Rift. A design of a VR product includes a making of customer characters, an interaction pattern and object structures. To create a new interface for the VR product. It is very important to estimate a distance between the users and a part of a content in order to choose a right size of the VR product. The most usable form for the VR product is a rectangle. To choose the framework to create the VR application. The frameworks are divided into 3 categories: -        for Network VR (A-Frame, Three.JS, Vizor.IO) -        for a mobile version of VR (Daydream VR) -        for headphones VR (Unity 3D, Unreal Engine) To follow strictly all VR development tips. People should use the specialized resources such as Google VR Design Guidelines and Oculus VR: Introduction to Best Practices. To realize the demands of customers and the problems they can face by using VR app. The criteria relate to the physiological attributes of a human body and their reaction to the VR product, in particular on a headset, the glasses and others. The VR product should include the environmental peculiarities to satisfy any customer’s needs. As for the ergonomics, the interaction of people and the VR product and their complete adaption are two important issues for the further designing of VR. Hopefully, this guide will help every VR development designer to get a success in the creation of a modern VR wonder.



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