    So how is our digital environment changing
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    • So how is our digital environment changing

    So how is our digital environment changing

    Click or not click?

    Looking back, the digital market has adapted to the wishes of advertisers. Technology and strategies were constantly chosen according to the expectations of brands, even if this was contrary to the interests of users. However, the well-known paradigm of ‘a product will be bought if it is offered persistently’ has been replaced by a new philosophy of ‘a product will be bought if it is offered correctly’.

    This means an abundance of advertising, wide availability of user data, experiments with eye-catching technologies. Unfortunately, all this has led to a sad result-people have become less open to advertising.

    Today, the major players that make up the technological environment of the market are responding to this trend-they not only protect information about users, but also limit the possibilities of targeting ads.

    Soon Google will implement a plan to restrict access to 3rd party Cookies in the market-leading browser Chrome. Apple introduces new rules for app developers to track users. Android, on the other hand, has announced plans to abandon its Gaid.

    We are getting closer to an anonymous online environment, in which the group perception of the user will replace the previous one.

    Regardless of the success in creating identification alternatives, the market will need to develop a different approach to this process, with the right way to communicate with the user in the spotlight.

    Advertising message of New Times

    The intensive development of the digital market has led to obvious consequences-an over-supply of advertising. Users are so used to the fact that even 50 percent. the content they see on the site is advertising, that they have developed a “protective mechanism” – the so-called banner blindness.

    This phenomenon consists in the fact that, although the advertisement was fully visible, it was not noticed by the subconscious of the person concerned and did not draw his attention to it. In this situation, the opposite occurs. The brighter and “louder” the advertisement, the less it attracts the user, because his brain immediately determines such a message as “spam”. In addition, the more intrusive the message, the worse the user’s attitude to the product. Conscious consumers feel that they will be distracted by annoying advertising.

    In the meantime, the format of native advertising has also become widespread. This is one of the biggest and most controversial obsessions in the media. Native advertising, which was supposed to be the answer, often disorients and disappoints the user with low-value sponsored articles, discouraging them from reading the recommended content under the article they read.

    As a result, we face a profound challenge: advertising should be non-intrusive, personalized, helpful, eye-catching and not obscuring the content of the site.

    Moreover, it should meet performance indicators. And all this in the increasingly complex conditions of working with user data!


    The market is also affected by the desire of brands to clearly track the real effects of online advertising. This tipped the scales in favor of choosing performance as the primary metric for the campaign. The desire to increase the real and measurable effect of the digital channel led to the emergence of brandformance. It combines the principles of effectiveness marketing and branding in order to build brand awareness and achieve specific, measurable KPIs.

    While previously a proven data-driven strategy was considered the key to the success of an advertising campaign, today creativity comes first. The biggest challenge today is not finding an audience interested in your product, but finding the right way to present it.

    Recent research shows that Generation Z is gaining momentum, becoming the most profitable and, in the meantime, “digitized” audience group, requiring uniqueness and personalization. All these factors change the focus of the market-we are moving to a model of advertising focused on creativity.

    AI is more intelligent

    Seeking a compromise between the user, advertiser and publisher, the team hybrid.ai it has implemented a solution that goes beyond all standard technologies-in-image ads. It combines visual formats and deep analysis of the content environment.

    The solution is based on artificial intelligence algorithms that comprehensively analyze the visual and textual content of the site, understanding its full meaning.

    Computer vision, recognizes more than 10,000 objects, including age, human emotions and many other categories, analyzing and categorizing them. The main idea is to combine all types of content and build a coherent communication line. In addition, if the site matches the relevant topic and rating parameters, the ad is natively integrated with editorial images and videos in the article content. Other important issues are how impressions are recorded and the above-average CTR. Settlement occurs in the vcpm model, in which one impression is recorded only when the creation is fully loaded and displayed for at least 1 second. The CTR, on the other hand, is higher than in the average advertising campaign, due to various combinations of interactive elements that encourage the audience to engage in creations.

    Case study

    The pharmaceutical company, which is our client, produces vitamin complexes for women planning motherhood, being pregnant and nursing. Our algorithms scan and evaluate the site: the text is devoted to maternity planning, contains a detailed plan of preparation of both partners, lists of studies, dietary recommendations, etc. Computer vision recognizes a young, smiling pregnant woman.

    Then we natively embed one of our in-visual formats, which occupies 25 percent. surface. The format is responsive as well as mobile friendly. The creation contains the message “be happy in the most important period of life” and a photo of the drug in the appropriate colors.

    Thus, we offer the product to the most interested audience at the most appropriate moment, when the user is looking for an answer to his question and needs a recommendation. In addition, we reach our target audience at various stages of the sales funnel-from women who are just thinking about having a baby, to newly baked mothers and their relatives and partners. The approach based on the synergy of technology, creation, user experience allows you to achieve significantly higher CTR compared to regular advertising and other channels/online campaigns of the brand.

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