    Interesting news about VR
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    • Interesting news about VR

    Interesting news about VR

    The world always changes. And the technologies also transform. Below one can find interesting news about VR tourism and inventions.  Oculus introduced technology for working with 2D programs in virtual reality At the Oculus Connect 5 conference in San Jose, California, a new technology for adapting "ordinary" applications to use in virtual reality was presented. The Oculus Hybrid Apps system allows you to combine two-dimensional screens with 3D reality, Engadget writes. The experimental Hybrid Apps technology allows you to transfer the user's desktop with all traditional desktop applications to a virtual 3D world. The demo video shows that the user can, for example, move a digital project being developed on a computer in 2D to a three-dimensional virtual space and continue working on it. Any changes in the color or texture of the model will be displayed in real time. According to Facebook, this will greatly simplify the drawing of complex objects such as curved surfaces or the smallest details. The Hybrid App technology is at an early stage, and the timing of its release has not yet been called. In China, a VR entertainment park was opened for $470 million In the Chinese province of Guizhou, the Oriental Science Fiction Valley recreation park was opened, which includes 35 science fiction attractions, writes TechSpot. What makes the new park unique is that all the entertainment in it takes place in virtual reality: most of the time its visitors will have to wear a special VR headset. Among the attractions offered are virtual space travel, roller coasters, "shooting games", as well as futuristic sci-fi castles. Another distinctive feature of the park is the full — size robots from the Gundam universe: various manga-style statues are located throughout its territory. One of the robots with a height of about 53 meters and a weight of 700 tons is the second largest structure in the park and is easily visible even outside it. It also has a platform for jumping with a rope. According to Road to VR, the cost of the park with an area of more than 1.3 square kilometers was about $470 million, and the total amount of planned investments reaches $1.5 billion. VR startup offers excursions over Paris in "jetpacks" At the end of March, the French startup FlyView opened one of the largest VR platforms in the world. Its postetieli can "fly" over Paris with the help of a virtual jetpack, says Digital Trends.At the disposal of virtual tourists-50 fixed "jetpacks" with built-in HTC VR headsets. The equipment allows you to provide a 360-degree view, and you will not have to pay a lot of money for a bird's-eye view: 1 session costs €15. The "flight" covers 20 main attractions of Paris and lasts about 13 minutes. All types are formed from real photos and videos taken by drones, and when developing "jetpacks" they used the documentation of real aircraft. For example, their design changes its position in space depending on the user's movement in virtual reality. Work on the projects began in 2014, and during this time a team of hundreds of people worked on FlyView, which had a budget of about €7 million. And recently, the development of the French finally became available to the public. VR gloves allow the disabled people to " feel " works of art The organizers of the Touching Masterpieces exhibition in Prague used special items that, with the help of tactile feedback, allow people with visual impairment to "touch" works of art in virtual reality, reports The Next Web.The sensory gloves, created by the Spanish startup Neurodigital Technologies together with the Leontinka Foundation for the Visually impaired, interact with three-dimensional models of popular art objects. So far, the exhibition offers models of three statues to the visually impaired: a bust of Nefertiti, as well as sculptures of Venus de Milo and Michelangelo's "David". These masterpieces were chosen because of their artistic value and recognizable outlines. The authors of the project posted digital models on the exhibition website. "Auxiliary tools and relief images, which are normally used for teaching blind children in schools, do not correctly perceive reality. This hi-tech is a real breakthrough that will allow students to touch what was not available to them until this moment, " says Barbara Khukova, executive director of the Leontinka Foundation. Tactile gloves allow people to feel even the difference in the sources from which the works of art are made. Although it is quite difficult to recreate the smallest details, users will also be able to recognize the texture of the sculptures. Amazon has introduced a program for creating virtual and augmented reality objects Amazon has created a tool for developing virtual 3D worlds and characters for virtual and augmented reality in the style of the popular game Second Life. The details of the new product are described in the company's blog. Amazon Sumerian offers tools and resources that allow you to create and run applications for virtual and augmented reality and 3D models. The result of the work is multiplatform and is compatible with popular Oculus, HTC Vive headsets, as well as iOS devices using WebVR-compatible browsers. ARCore support for Android will also appear soon. Among the elements of the application, the creators distinguish: Editor: a web-based tool for designing 3D scenes, importing objects, creating scripts and special effects, and then exporting to different platforms; Object library: a set of objects and templates ready for use and improvement; Importing objects: loading ready-made 3D objects. Sumerian supports FBX, OBJ formats and will soon be able to work with Unity; Script library: using the JavaScript 3D engine to increase the possibilities of using scripts; Characters: The ability to create animated realistic 3D characters; AWS Integration: Built-in integration with Amazon Polly and Amazon Lex to add speech and natural language processing for characters created in Sumerian. In addition, the script library can be used with AWS Lambda, gaining access to many AWS services. Amazon claims that working in the application does not require experience in developing 3D objects or programming when creating VR or AR scenes. In order to test the new product, you need to send an application and become participants of the pre-access program.



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