    How to use Virtual Training in Serious Games
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    How to use Virtual Training in Serious Games

    It’s no secret that virtual reality offers unsurpassed scenario-based training opportunities for a plethora of business verticals. Playing “serious games” with an autonomous device that generates interactive games designed to promote learning through the simulation of various educational scenarios. Only by combining virtual reality technology with innovative e-learning resources can you open an ample opportunity for users to boost their confidence and learn practical skills. Moreover, these “serious games” also help build resilience, a concept that focuses on a person’s ability to achieve goals under a large variety of conditions, both anticipated and unexpected. Sounds impressive, right? Let’s dive into the details below!

    What exactly are serious games in virtual training?

    Generally, the term "serious game" refers to a game intended for online training purposes. Utilizing a diversity of game mechanics, it motivates and entertains online learners while forming a new base of knowledge and skills. For example, firefighters can learn how to deal with the fire by unlocking each level of the online training simulation. Not only can they obtain new skills with the help of virtual reality, but they will also learn how to approach a burning building or which valves to release. Another example is law enforcement. You can train them by using real situations in a VR-based environment  - from taking interviews to arresting a suspect.

    What are the benefits of educational simulations powered with VR technology?

    Here you will find some information on what benefits you can derive from incorporating serious games into virtual training
    • You can improve trainee engagement and improve performance as well
    • You can provide a 3D simulation of real-world scenarios and put trainees’ knowledge into practice
    • You can help trainees find multiple solutions to one issue
    • You can reduce your trainee’s learning time when compared to traditional training.
    • You can eliminate the embarrassment of failure in front of a group.

    How to use serious gaming in virtual training

    Let’s find out what you need to utilize virtual training with serious games:

    Establish your training goals

    With training using VR, you have to decide what you’re trying to accomplish. Whether it is a performance issue or a knowledge gap, it is critical to clarify it. Only by defining the gaps will you know what the VR training goals and development objectives are. Once you are aware of the training goals, it will simplify the process of achieving them. In addition to that, you should take into account that your virtual training course shouldn’t include too many real-life scenarios or too much learning information. Moreover, VR-powered training shouldn't focus on value-based education - trainees have opted for this type of training to gain specific skills only.

    Communicate the purpose of the virtual practicing properly

    Once trainees fully understand the key goals of training, it will help them to achieve them successfully. Based on the recent study, only 12% of trainees actually apply their new skills from training while the other 88% don’t use them. Just because they do not understand what they need and how the skills will contribute to the company’s goals. Having that in mind, you should clearly communicate the purpose of training. Not only should you communicate how completing virtual training with serious games helps trainees to reach their objectives for development,  but you will also need to clarify how this virtual training moves them closer to their longer-term goal or vision.

    Focus on plot-driven serious games

    It’s no secret that you cannot complete virtual training without a story. With that in mind, you need to use a plot-driven scenario. Not only will it draw the trainee’s attention when training, but it will help you better immerse them. For that very reason, it’s imperative to incorporate a plot by producing characters, thinking about their behaviors, generating real-life situations, and possible solutions. However, you should eliminate using fantastical features, such as magic or fantasy creatures, but provide a plot twist that challenges trainees’ assumptions and beliefs. Not only can employees learn to reflect on their own performance, but they will also be able to re-evaluate their habits and past decisions through the lens of the main character. With serious games powered with VR,  you can grab trainees' attention and remove external distractions.

    Make training process competitive

    Competitive elements in serious games such as competing against others, winning medals, or earning points act as extrinsic motivators. Every trainee can start at a different place, and it may take a while for them to gain enough mastery to reach the level of more advanced trainees. Only by turning their attention toward their own progress can you help them stay encouraged and develop their skills. However, take into account that if you want to create a competitive virtual training that attracts competitive learners, you need to keep the experience positive so that everybody wins.

    Provide personalized feedback

    As you may know, feedback is an essential component of any training process. Serious games are not an exception. Only by assessing how the trainees progress can you shed light on trainees' strengths and weaknesses. Not only does it help you to identify mistakes or incorrect behaviors, but it will also prevent trainees from unlocking the next level. They know that they have to work on these areas in order to improve their performance and pass the level.

    Bottom line: Have you already opted for virtual training in serious games?

    Currently, virtual training in serious games has a prominent place in the future of learning, especially in the training sector. More and more companies are utilizing the power of serious games to improve trainee motivation and increase training return on investment. Moreover, modern-day advanced technology now makes it possible for most of us. Let us know if you want to bring the idea of virtual training in serious games to life.



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