    Game Engines. Prices, peculiarities and accessibility
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    • Game Engines. Prices, peculiarities and accessibility

    Game Engines. Prices, peculiarities and accessibility

    Today we are going to speak about game engines. The first platform we observe is Unreal Engine The new version of the Unreal Engine game engine promises frightening realism It is quite easy to achieve a more natural skin appearance for the characters of various science fiction pictures created with the help of computer graphics technologies, but it is much more difficult to perform a similar task in the context of modern video games. However, it seems that the situation should finally change for the better. Thanks to the release of the new version of the Unreal Engine 4.5 game engine, the journey to the "sinister valley" can become much more accessible. A new version of the popular game development framework brings the effect of subsurface light scattering, which gives the virtual skin a more realistic look. Instead of rough visual effects, which gamers usually have to be content with, soft, higher-quality textures are coming. A more visual representation of these words can be obtained from the above illustration. On the left – a pale face with an overabundance of shadows (the Subsurface Scattering effect is not activated), while in the middle and on the right you can see the Subsurface Scattering effect in action (realistic mode and intense mode). Support for subsurface scattering technology will provide not only a more realistic appearance of the skin of game characters, but also a better drawing of other objects of the environment, the same tree leaves, wax, and so on. It is worth noting that the support for subsurface scattering is not the only innovation in Unreal Engine 4.5. The new ray tracing method is designed to provide softer and more realistic shadows. This suggests that mobile games will finally get support for dynamic shadows. The character who carries the lantern, as well as the room in its light with fully dynamic shadows on the walls and objects, should look much more interesting. Of course, developers have yet to implement the capabilities of the new Unreal Engine 4.5 in their projects before end users can experience a new level of realism in shooters and games of another genre. However, it is expected that the relevant updates will not take long to wait. Unreal Engine 4 will be available by subscription for $19 per month Epic Games has officially introduced a new version of its Unreal Engine 4 game engine and unveiled a new business model for its distribution. Unreal Engine 4, unlike the licenses that cost hundreds of thousands of dollars for previous versions of the engine, will now be available by subscription for a very symbolic amount of $19 per month. In addition, Epic Games plans to receive 5% royalties from the sale of games made on UE4. Previously, UDK, a version of the engine with simplified support, aimed at indie developers, was distributed according to the same sparing scheme. Unreal Engine 4 provides developers with a well-developed ecosystem, including support for Epic Games engineers, access to documentation, sample libraries and forums. In addition, the Epic Games engines are distinguished by regular updates, and the current release contains developments to support all modern technologies-Oculus VR, Linux, Valve Steamworks, Steam Box, HTML5. At the moment, we know about two dozen games being developed on the Unreal Engine 4, including Daylight and Fortnite from Epic Games itself. Speaking about CryEngine and its peculiarities, one can find more useful information below. The CryEngine game engine is now accessible on Steam for a subscription of $9.99 per month. As promised by Crytek earlier, the CryEngine GE  appeared on sale on Steam at a reasonable price of $9.99 per month. Subscribers will have constant access to the latest version of the engine and all CryEngine creation tools. At the same time, the initial integration with the Steamworks service is promised, to prepare games for publication on Steam. Right now, CryEngine is available with a 40% discount, which reduces the monthly payment amount to $4.17 when choosing a six-month subscription plan. CryEngine is a constantly improving Crytek multi-platform GE, on which such company hits as Crysis 1-3 and Ryse: Son of Rome were created. As for Unity, they suggest their list of services, prices and products. Unity provides three months of free access to Unity Learn Premium training courses As part of the support for users who are quarantined due to the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, Unity Technologies provides everyone with three months of free access to advanced Unity Learn Premium training courses. Although there are more than enough training courses on the Unity game engine, which is the most popular among indie developers, a year ago Unity Technologies introduced the Unity Learn Premium program, which provides access to more in-depth and advanced courses. In addition to extended lessons and training materials for users of different levels of training, Unity Learn Premium hosts live interactive Learn Live sessions every two weeks with the participation of certified instructors. In addition to the content created by Unity Technologies specialists themselves, the program contains lessons from partners from such popular resources as Coursera, Udemy and Pluralsight. For Unity business subscribers under the Plus and Pro plans, as well as for educational institutions, access to Unity Learn Premium has always been free, but for individual subscribers using the free version of Unity, access to Learn Premium cost $15 per month. In connection with the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic and the quarantine announced in many countries of the world, since March 19, 2020, Unity Technologies provides everyone with three months of free access to Unity Learn Premium training courses.



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