    Augmented reality in the logistics industry
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    • Augmented reality in the logistics industry

    Augmented reality in the logistics industry

    Logistics concentrates the activity on customers. This business intends to provide available, stable, safe and perfect services for clients. The fast and correct access to data is significant for fixed planning and general operation is important for improved customer interconnection. The current Augmented Reality goal in logistics is to renew the infrastructure by simplifying the whole procedure. It includes inventive handling of storage place and safe transporting and effective control of supply. There are a lot of things to optimize. Nowadays, the logistics industry refuses to apply manual operations and implements AR-formed ones. Logistics is a complicated industry, that four main stages of development are the following:
    • Storage operations
    • Transportation
    • Delivery
    • Customer service
    Augmented Reality can drastically change the logistics industry in these suggested ways.

    AR in logistics transforms storage placing

    Storage operations cover such activities as sorting of items and searching the necessary things. This may be a very difficult job. Huge storage seems to be a complicated place to find the right product. The traditional approach of finding the product with pen and paper is ineffective, slow and has disadvantages. Augmented Reality becomes useful by providing complete info about the product, its placing in a 3D image. It cuts the expenses and avoids any mistake in the process.

    Transportation becomes more correct and safer

    Transportation innovations play a central role in the logistics industry. The things should be transferred from the storage to different centers for the final item delivery. The delivery to the points is over and verified applying paper and pen. Sometimes it leads to confusion, errors, and accidents. Augmented Reality in logistics can be useful by providing 3D prototype of approach on how to pack things from the storage to lorries. Additionally, it helps to deliver items with 3D preview. Also, this technology may restore a current navigation scheme by displaying a 3D image of delivery routes to save time, money, and to gain experience.

    AR helps customers and stuff ease the process without stress

    Statistics show that the delivery stuff spends much time checking the following products to give. Augmented Reality assists to do it efficiently. It also replaces the complex process of applying a paper and scanning the bar codes of the product to find out the appropriate one. One more advantage of using Augmented Reality in logistics is to determine the correct customer while the delivery process.

    AR impact on after-sales service

    Most logistics companies provide after-sales service to customers. It requires a group of professionals, skillful workers to get success in business. Augmented Reality easily helps to solve this problem. Augmented Reality may provide a detailed illustration of the product and its defects. This info may be found by customers applying online sources and the company’s repair instructions.

    AR advantages in the logistics business

    Augmented Reality has the power to improve the logistics industry in such spheres as fullness check and freight loading. AR can provide appropriate pickups. Any AR-based tool may check the product via the checking of fixed barcodes. It requires a lot of time and content. There is also a prospect that in future AR-based devices will figure out the precise number of loading products and their parameters. The measured info will be analyzed following necessary values and in this way inform the workers about the progress. AR structures can also find out bugs, errors, and damages via scanning the things. Freight transportation surely requires a specific volume of control work. Such qualities as responsibility and accuracy are needed for this kind of work. With a select-by-view function, Augmented Reality may get rid of the need for applying printed item lists and additional load instructions. Applying AR tools, workers easily find the info about what thing required and where it should be placed without any documentation. AR technology can show the correct place for the item in the vehicle. It works due to the capability of Augmented Reality to recognize the objects. that possibility allows the loaders to use rationally the volume of the suggested freight.

    Delivery. Assembly & Repair. Customer service.

    Dealing with the sphere of delivery, Augmented Reality helps the delivery services give the clients the packages on time and without damage. The transportation companies try to economize their finances on delivery by implementing a specialized Augmented Reality solution. The AR device allows the drivers to find the necessary box and additional info to it (size, weight, address). To close the car door, drivers may perform it with the vision and voice commands but the items must be put on the floor or ground to avoid damages. Drivers should be careful with the products. Speaking about assembly and repair services, in addition to transiting some logistics companies have such services as assembly and repair. Only highly qualified workers can fix the problems and find an appropriate solution. That’s why companies provide specialized training for the employees to gain the required skills. Any mistake may be loss-making and expensive. Any stage of assembly and repair may be checked and observed via Augmented Reality-formed device and its capability to recognize any defect or problem. It is effective and cheap. In-built AR technology surely reduces the time of workers to fix and eliminate the errors. Customer services may be essentially improved by Augmented Reality. It may impact on the reputation of the company and its further position on the market. The innovative technology can optimize the whole process and determine the price category according to the client's needs to increase their trust. AR suggests a list of main capabilities that may essentially increase the productivity, competence, and price-competitiveness of the logistics deals. By optimizing storage operations (selecting, packing and carrying) as well as workers’ improvement and service spreading, market participants can shorten the costs and get more income. Augmented Reality has many reasons to reform the approach on how delivery chains are arranged in different organizations by increasing their effectiveness. Logistics companies should be aware of all the advantages of innovative technologies and be ready to implement them to remain competitive in business. Additionally, they should also research new ways to apply Augmented Reality for the improvement of the business.



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