    VR technologies in Profession
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    • VR technologies in Profession

    VR technologies in Profession

    VR is used for commercial game and trading projects, as an evidence the games for Oculus Rift and HTC Vive are popular nowadays. But what about spheres besides gaming apps? Some market platforms begin to introduce new VR for a development of business ideas, services, and entertainment. VR technological experts suggest their conjectures where the VR may be used in non-gambling apps in next years. The professionals are always needed to improve their skills and gain a new experience. Some applications are made to lighten the working routine as efficient as possible. Their additional goal is to make the time at work more convenient and productive. These applications are:
    • AlertBoot for firefighters
    The application provides a specialized method of additional practice for future firefighters for an instant reaction in dangerous situations.
    • WiseWear for surgeons
    The app helps professional doctors learn less experienced ones, provide realistic study for new experts and reduce the risk of accidents for patients.
    • Tilt Brush, PaintLab, VuildUS for architects, designers, and painters
    The apps let people draw and paint in VR and transform their current projects in life. VR in daily routine It is difficult to imagine any human who works 24/7. A rest and an entertainment are both important conditions to perform a job perfectly and without any troubles. In this connection, VR experts create some available and useful apps to spread customer`s worldview and make them enjoy daily routine. They are:
    • Youtube
    One of the biggest library of VR data, which may be demonstrated for people by the virtual theatre.
    • Google Earth
    The app may provide the exploration of the most beautiful and thrilling places on the planet.
    • Google Arts and Culture
    Google cultural app help anyone visit any virtual tour around popular museums or art exhibitions.
    • Within VR (music concerts and videos)
    The app offers customers to be immersed into musicians’ life, concerts and videos. It does not matter when and where people use VR, the main thing is that people get maximum information, knowledge, experience, and ideas even they drink coffee in their favorite restaurant. They become productive anytime and everywhere.

    Journalism and VR

    Mass media implement some experimental VR innovations in a working schedule. VR technologies and 360-degree media format let reporters share their stories in a special way and make an audience experience current news. Limitations and models are not determined yet. VR may construct a unique way of expressing the world and a human immersion in it. Newsmen always should find and gather an information, analyze and make it unique and interesting for readers. Their profession has special responsibilities. They observe and publish everything, what people may take care of: from food products till issues of a private life. A skillful manipulation of the information and a right use of it are both essential assignments of every journalist. In this connection, VR modernizations become a means of reaching goals. VR in Journalism The best samples of the VR reporting are presented in the list below:
    •       Guardian ‒ 6×9
    The VR technologies are built in the solitary prison. Everybody may observe the zone of a prison room and feel an influence of an isolation on a human psychological state.
    •       NYT ‒ Sensations of Sound
    It is a New York Times project where a dimensional audio is provided to share stories of hearing and its problems.
    •       Wall Street Journal ‒How Thousands of Pigeons became Art
    VR project by Duke Riley where the pigeons’ flying creates a magic atmosphere of a piece of art.
    •       National Geographic ‒ Antarctica
    It is a wonderful traveling to the coldest place on the planet ‒ Antarctica. Gigantic snow figures and penguins meet everyone who wants to immerse in the permafrost.
    •       Frontline and NYU
    The project turns people back to the consequences of the Chernobyl catastrophe in the town Pripyat. All said above make people consider a future of reporting and its unbelievable possibilities. VR modernizations stimulate newsmen to create more interesting projects and demonstrate more captivating ideas.

    Virtual Reality in cinematography

    How can imagine the people living without cinema? Movies, popcorn and some VR innovations, which are so attractive for the customers to get new emotions. In cinematography there are some problems to solve in order to convey the main story. In present time an atmosphere prevails over the story. It doesn’t matter what drama and events happen at the same time, instead of these customers focus their attention on a current surrounding. The thoughts are there and their mind receives a valuable experience. The first rule of cinemaholics and moviemakers is to concentrate on a frame. Now a user should be a component of the creation of an additional unique universe. Vision in VR In past times an observer is a slave of a director’s vision. A camera guides where to look at, and details outside of the frame are not observed. In the VR version, the view is limitless. In this case, the story creator has some problems with the center of the view because the user can watch 360 degrees in every direction. In order to prevent the trouble, the director should put the VR camera in the corner, and the view becomes a little bit limited. The problem of VR in cinema An obvious problem for all VR engineers is motion sickness. Some effects make VR experts mad to understand the problem, which appears for the users. If the VR technologies are working well, the moving actions help VR transfer the users in the world of magic and bring extremely breathtaking emotions. VR sound in the process of cinematography To immerse deeply in the VR atmosphere means also a reproduction of 3D sound. If the user loses the key moment by looking away, the specialized noise makes the customer follow back to the motion. It is quite important to note that in future the sound should be corresponded with a particular object in a realization.   Editing is horrible In modern cinematography, the traditional moviemakers have already their own methods of transition between scenes. They can be different according to the story: steady or rapid, intense or uncontrolled. In VR a question of transition is solved by closing the user`s eyes and immerse in the virtual world gradually.  The quality of the image depends primarily on the VR equipment. In conclusion, VR introduces something special into the sphere of cinematography. All effects should be improved according to the human recognition.



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