    Virtual Reality Games – What’s On Future
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    • Virtual Reality Games – What’s On Future

    Virtual Reality Games – What’s On Future

    Since 2013 when the first technique for virtual reality has been presented to the worldwide audience, the games and apps using VR became famous among gamers. The virtual aspect of the gaming industry is moving forward, but still, it has not spread globally. new gaming technology takes a major role in the future. How the pros explain the virtual reality gaming future and what are the prospects of its development. Let’s take some thoughts about future virtual reality games. The future of VR gaming involves increasing the feeling of immersion in virtuality and solving actual problems, such as moving and interaction in the virtual worlds. It is not just wearing a pair of special glasses or optical devices only. In the end, the abbreviation VR implies that the whole reality, including physical aspect, taste, or sense of smell that the gamer could feel in the world is generated by computer means. Therefore, VR technology should involve not only the vision but also the body positions or even the speech. To translate this into reality, you can use a range of techniques. Stereovision, eye tracking systems, force feedback are just a small set of technologies that can be used. With the improvement of these technologies, virtual reality gaming in the future becomes more and more diverse and expressive for those who play in it.

    What Are the Most Popular VR Gaming Gadgets Today

    The pioneering device produced for VR gaming and interaction was the Oculus VR Glasses, presented in 2016. But even a bit earlier the predecessor of today’s devices was invented – the Kinect technology that provided gamer’s action without the common gamepad or keyboard using gestures, voice commands, or body positions. Then the history goes on with the HMD-displays or VR headsets, that suited for desktops so for the smartphones, combining motion sensors, gyroscopes, and small-size HD screens for displaying stereoscopic images directly to the eyes. The next step was made with the presentation of the VR retinal monitors, showing the images and videos to the eye retina directly. And the main VR technological item that is in use today is CAVE or VR rooms with the 3D-stereoscopic images are shown on every wall and the tracking systems for the gamer’s motion capturing are used. The progress goes faster each decade and virtual reality gaming in the future next years will gain new technical abilities. Which are they? We’ll describe to you some.

    The Newest VR Startups Gaining Popularity

    Cybershoes free movement device – an Austrian startup device that gives you an exclusive opportunity to move in the VR space using feet. The idea of its invention is very simple. The user puts the VR-boots on his legs and, sitting on a rotating chair, simulates the movement in the right direction. Tracking the activity of the legs is provided using cylindrical rotating elements on the sole. The main goals set for Cybershoes are to increase the degree of immersion and to reduce the nausea effect of moving in virtual worlds. The people who managed to test the device say, the company managed to achieve this.
    • Tactile VR-gloves HaptX - the device that uses micro-pneumatics for accurate feedback transfer to the fingers and is positioned as an Enterprise solution. Each of the HaptX gloves has 130 tactile drives that provide feedback to transmit the touch of hands or fingers to the VR world’s parts. When interacting with an object in a VR, the exoskeleton restricts movement, which creates a sense of contact, for example, capture. Those who managed to test the current version of the prototype noted significant progress in terms of tactile perception.
    • Feel Three is a motion simulator for VR with three degrees of freedom. The main advantage of a large number of similar developments is the cost. The simulator is a hemisphere mounted on several motors and special omnidirectional wheels (“omniwheels”). This design allows for a 3-axial movement of the platform. The absence of linear motors allows for a relatively low price. Also, the platform has tactile sensors in the legs and back. They are designed to enhance the effect of immersion with the help of vibrations that can simulate engine performance, shooting, or strikes – the essential need of new gaming technology in the future. Also, the processor of the Feel Three connects to the headset and synchronizes its position according to the tracker’s data.
    • The RYG vest – new generation VR equipment that creates in the area of the user's torso vibrations corresponding to sound effects. The cyber clothes consist of 8 drives, which, according to its developer Woojer, silently provide high-quality tactile sensations. It is expected that while playing in VR, the device will be able to simulate effects like shots or raindrops.
    Discover VR learning games in our blog!

    And What About the Software?

    According to the gadget improvement and VR-precision progress that’s obvious that the future virtual reality games will not be fun for the lazy ones. Sitting in a comfortable chair and giving orders to your character doesn’t work anymore, you will have to go personally through all the adventures through the game scenario. Judging by these prospects, winners of the strategy or FPS games will be the teams that got the most athletes. Although there is still a sniper, for those who like to lie in one place and win, only slightly changing their position. Though the VR games development is now in great progress, with the modernizing of the hardware resources that progress will increase highly, so in the future we’ll have an opportunity to mix the virtual and the real worlds surrounding us closely. You can see the examples of the newest gaming apps and programs in Servreality’s portfolio for the estimation of how the future of mobile gaming upgrades today.

    Why The VR Gaming Is Not Still Ubiquitous?

    If VR technologies are already available for ordinary people, then why haven’t they yet penetrated every home? The first reason is the price. Even now, average VR devices cost a few hundred dollars. There are some relatively cheap alternative ones, but they are not able to attract buyers. The second reason is that on these devices you can play far from every game. VR glasses and other VR devices allow you to play only new games designed specifically for this technology. So we will have to wait until the gaming industry starts seriously considering virtual reality technology at the development stage to offer the client a wider choice of game options. But this process moves slowly - VR technology cannot be inserted into the game for a couple of days. First, game developers need to explore these new features and find appropriate technology applications for virtual reality gaming in the future. And although there are already several games that successfully use VR technology, in most of the recent major releases this functionality is completely absent. The third reason is the hardware requirements of the VR equipment. Not every gamer can afford a device with an electronic filing of the newest sample. First of all, it concerns players on the PC. Consider the price for upgrading components (or even buying a new PC) to support VR devices, and the price of the technology will increase significantly. In that case, the mobile VR game development looks much more acceptable and easy to realize in real life. And finally, the last, but no less important, the fourth reason why virtual reality is still far from gamers. Global innovations are always hard to sell at first because they require an explanation for the common people of how to use them. Unfortunately, you can't just plug in a VR device and immediately play your favorite game. Anyway, this is what worries many gamers. Therefore, most buyers are so skeptical about the idea of compatibility of VR devices with their gaming systems and the possibility of their theoretical use. So what is the future of mobile gaming? It s expected to double year growth with $100 billion in 2021. The total number of mobile gamers by 2021 is likely to be 2.7 billion. Virtual reality is the future of gaming. To raise the acceptance level and to prove the trust in the VR, the development of many new games supporting the VR’s specialties is required. Managing to ruin off these barriers is the push button for this technology wide-spreading. The appearance of VR technology in every home is just a matter of time. Virtual reality in the future will advance and rise in popularity.



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