    Pros and Cons of Augmented Reality Apps Development
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    • Pros and Cons of Augmented Reality Apps Development

    Pros and Cons of Augmented Reality Apps Development

    Within a few years from a phenomenon , the augmented reality has transformed into technology that finds its application in our everyday life . Augmented reality simply refers to the indirect view of the physical environment overlaying the real world with digital elements such as graphics , sound , video , motion along with GPS data as well . This lets the view appear more informative and can be accomplished by using special wearables -  devices like smart glasses or headsets projecting a digital image onto the lens , or by inserting those same elements ( graphics , sound , video , etc .) into a camera image , like a smartphone screen . As you may see , AR technology definitely alters our perception of the world and the things surrounding us . According to recent research , the global augmented reality market is expected to reach 149 billion U . S . dollars by 2025 . Developing and deploying AR app solutions is already giving real advantages and showing significant improvements in a great number of industries . But it ’ s also important to consider what disadvantages it has . Sounds interesting , right ? Let ’ s take a closer look at the pros and cons of augmented reality apps development in different sectors :

    Advantages of augmented apps development

    Below we have provided the advantages of augmented reality in different industries . Let ’ s take a closer look below !

    AR app development in the Healthcare

    AR solutions are great in a variety of cases - from having blood to performing surgery . For instance , detecting a vein can be difficult for a nurse or even for an experienced doctor . What ’ s more , the process can be traumatizing for a child . Having that in mind , with AR - powered tools called AcuVein this problem can be solved . Also , new AR - powered tools can be applied to assist doctors in performing surgeries . Not only do these tools deliver actual life information about patients during the surgery , but also a primary surgeon who is three miles away can assist during the procedure . In addition to that , X - rays and magnetic resonance imaging ( MRIs ) can be combined into a single view to display a 3D image if there is a necessity . AR - powered software can be used to provide interactive education for medical students with a focus on the practice instead of just theory . With AR visualizations , medical students can experience real - life surgery or see what is going on inside the human body to get a better understanding of the material .

    AR in the E - commerce Industry

    Delivering unique user experiences is crucial for companies that run an e - commerce business . With AR - powered solutions , you can provide prospects with rare opportunities . Not only can consumers make well - informed buying decisions , but they in one click get all the important information about the products . AR - fueled solutions bring huge value to a buying process and form virtual interactions between a customer and a seller . What ’ s more , technological innovations allow you to get to know your potential consumers with your brand . If successfully developed ,  AR - powered apps help you better promote your company and products , attract new customers while retaining the existing ones . Only by developing AR - powered solutions can you outperform your competitors . Not only can you provide a new way of communicating with your brand , but also you can reach a new audience by introducing new services and products . Moreover , those solutions equipped with AR make the brand more attractive and upscale .

    AR in the Education Industry

    Both students and teachers know how augmented reality is beneficial for education . Thanks to AR , textbooks become interactive and content come to life . Students can see an interactive visualization by pointing a smartphone camera at the cover of the textbook ’ s page . Moreover , adding AR - animated content such as a short person bio , fun facts , historical data catch students ' attention , provide better understanding and motivate them to study . In addition to that , AR - powered solutions are helpful in conducting experiments that involve chemicals and dissection . All the augmented procedures are safe even when something goes wrong while traditional classroom settings can be hard to control . Also , AR - fueled solutions help with doing homework . By pointing their phone or tablets at the worksheet can students get immediate hints and essential information .

    AR in the Real Estate Industry

    In real estate ,  companies can offer the potential customer a more personalized , intuitive and engaging experience addressed by AR . Only by rendering 2D “ pictures ” into 3D objects can real estate providers deliver some essential data about the properties . What ’ s more , the potential customer can place their current furniture by just clicking them and see how it can be look in the new house or apartment . Installed AR - powered app allows you to save time and resources for customers . Not only can potential buyers get a virtual tour of the desired property , but they can get all the information about the installation structure and   effective energy rating , retrieve data about the nearest   schools , hospitals , and community centers . All that can be done by hovering of mobile devices on the windows of potential property .. Furthermore , you can reach more customers and make more money by boosting the customer base for the realtors . Not only can they elicit information about their projects in one click , but also they can meet a potential buyer or investor and increase their business revenue .

    AR in the Tourism Industry

    AR opens up ones - in - one - life opportunities for the travel sector . Thanks to AR , travelers can fast and easily figure out where all of the landmarks are located . When walking about the city , the AR - powered apps can automatically send you notifications about important sights and landmarks nearby . In addition to that , they deliver all the essential information about a particular building or location . What ’ s more , it can show direction and details on the smartphone display . If you are embarrassed when deciding about the place you would like to go . where and don ’ t want to read a variety of brochures and magazines about a particular city , Ar comes into play here as well . Not only does the AR app provide you with the ability to get a glimpse of the location you are considering , but also you can receive more detailed information about that place and make a decision it is worth traveling to .

    AR in the Construction Industry

    Fortunately , architectural or construction industries are not exceptions to AR ’ s impact . They started to widely develop and adopt AR technology in their companies . Thanks to AR - powered solutions , a client can visualize the final results even being far away from the location and see how it looks . That possibility motivates companies who run business in those environments to develop and implement an AR - powered app to drive business growth and revenue . What's more , it provides the ability to ensure the safety of the labor while the construction is still in progress . In addition to that ,  business owners can calculate the risk before performing any task . The use of this technology is widely admired and adopted in the architectural and construction field .

    Disadvantages of augmented apps development

    We have looked at the pros of augmented reality but there are some drawbacks as well . Let ’ s delve into the details below !

    Privacy and Security Concern

    Unfortunately , applying AR technology needs terabytes of data to be retrieved , generated and analyzed . That brings a significant disadvantage for businesses . Thus ,  it is also haunted by issues concerning privacy and security that is similar to the Big Data limitations .

    Issues About Intrusiveness

    Still , the topic of privacy and security is hot . Systems equipped with AR record the environment in real time . Not only do they capture images of random individuals and their private properties , but also they record their conversations . These activities are illegal in jurisdictions with strict privacy laws and can lead to legal issues .

    Promote Risky Behavior

    AR can hide cues in layouts in the real world by adding virtual information to the natural environment . But some of these cues really help individuals avoid dangers or may save a life in some dangerous situations . Nevertheless , AR technology can make people less vigilant and attentive about their surroundings .

    Health Issues

    AR development games are actually unsupervised . The war - related and several other violent AR - powered games can affect physical issues but harm mentally and bring changes in the attitude of the players unknowingly . They give a negative message and avoid them to have a social responsibility and ethics as well . What ’ s more , limited physical movements of the human body may lead to an issue regarding obesity , problems with concentration , eye health issues , etc .

    Implementation Requirements

    Companies of any size are focusing on AR development and implementation . Definitely , they can benefit from using AR - powered solutions . However ,  developing and implementing an AR system is both costly and technologically taxing . What ’ s more , they should take into account that the AR app also requires new technologies and models to run smoothly .

    Final thoughts : AR is here to stay

    There are numerous examples of augmented reality in use today . At the same time , consumers are getting more and more used to applying augmented solutions . Moreover , in today ’ s digital world , companies across industries are already incorporating AR into their services . Thanks to AR , not only do they build more meaningful and longer - lasting connections with their customers , but they also deliver unique and tailored services or products . Having that in mind , you should focus on AR app development and implementation to stand out among the competitors and drive more revenue . Don ’ t hesitate and incorporate AR into your business !



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