    Peculiarities of web, implementation of programming languages
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    Peculiarities of web, implementation of programming languages

    There is no doubt that every profession is important but for the IT sphere every position is responsible for the specialized detail and crucial for the whole working team . Today lets observe some of them: web developer, 3d modeler, instagram designer, and 3d animator. The first position is Web developer. WEB DEVELOPER: BUSINESS RECORD The responsibility of the web developer is to ensure that the customer gets a website that does exactly what they want them to do. Web development is a business that uses many different technologies. This includes aspects such as website design, web publishing, web programming and database management. In addition, a website developer can help maintain and update a database used by a dynamic website. Description Web developers design, create and maintain web pages and web applications. In this sense, they work on internet and intranet sites. Typically, they are employed by companies that specialize in specialized software development or IT consulting. These professionals have the opportunity to work directly for the company or to work freelance or piecemeal. According to the terms of the contract, most web developers work on the software, database, or coding of a website. Others, on the other hand, take care of the design and interface of the page. What are the main functions of a web developer ? Here are the most common functions of a web developer, made according to the expectations of his client : In-depth study of a website The first step to follow, in case of starting a page already developed before, is to analyze the complete code that makes up the site. The developer makes the necessary notes on what he considers “upgradable”. He takes into account the requirements requested by his client. In this way, it will be possible to think of an interface with an effective information architecture. All this, always taking into account the graphic and visual appearance, counting in this case if necessary with the help of a web designer. Project testing Typically, web developers perform several tests during a project. Thus, they can ensure that the implementations work and do not affect the visual factor. There are also the most experienced, who test the project when they have finished writing all the code. Thus, if there is a mistake, they just need to find the cause to continue the work. Regardless of the method of work, the web developer today must comply with a “responsive” result for all mobile devices and an interface that is as user-friendly as possible.

    Combination and implementation of programming languages

    A good web developer is able to use several languages to work in a “public” and “private " interface. In this way, whether it uses HTML, XML PHP or JavaScript, it must integrate everything in such a way as to obtain the technological solution required in each case. In the public interface, users can enjoy all the functions and visual aspects created by the programmer. And in private, we maintain the administrative part where everything related to the site is managed. This section is not visible to site visitors. Creating integration with other applications In case the system needs to be connected to other external applications, the web developer must create the programming interface in them (APIs). For example, in the case of some social media tools, these must be connected to the different social networks. Skills that a web developer must possess Here are the essential skills that a website developer must possess :
    • Advanced knowledge of computers and computer systems;
    • Thoroughness and attention to detail, as an error can cause the application or website to fail;
    • Problem solving and logical analysis;
    • Ability to work independently and as a team;
    • Be able to work without supervision;
    • Be able to delegate information and tasks to other team members;
    • Advanced knowledge of development technologies;
    • Ability to work on multiple projects at the same time;
    • Be able to assess various circumstances at the same time and work on more than one project at a time;
    • Accountability and ability to meet goals and deadlines;
    Communication skills :
    • Be able to communicate with colleagues and superiors;
    • Inform colleagues of the errors present;
    • Keep clients informed of project progress.
    Since the ICT field is relatively new, there are no standard qualifications for the web developer profile yet. However, candidates with a university degree in computer science, systems engineering, design or web development are preferred.

    The next details of work is 3d modeler’s

    KNOW EVERYTHING ABOUT THE PROFESSION OF THE 3D MODELER As its name suggests, the 3D modeler is the professional who is called upon to make models in three dimensions. They can be models of characters, sets or objects. For this, he creates kinds of digital "sculptures". His intervention is highly sought after in many sectors, including the video game industry, the AR and VR sector. Here is everything you need to know about this profession. The professions in the field of VR, there are now quite a few. We can mention, for example, that of the virtual reality engineer, the 3D animator and the 3D modeler. For the latter in particular, it is still little known among VR users. And yet, its intervention is very important in the creation of VR and AR games and applications. Here is everything you need to know about this famous profession. Job description In the production line of a video game, for example, the 3D modeler intervenes after the graphic designers once they have made still images. His work then goes into computer programming. His mission is therefore to concretize the volume of any project in order to obtain a 3D model. For this, he uses professional software exclusively dedicated to this purpose. But before carrying out the operation, he conducts a verification of the feasibility and appearance of the project in question. The resulting file will be used to generate animated films or computer graphics. It can also be used to generate immersive and augmented simulation environments. Note that 3D modeling is called upon in several sectors. Among these, of course, there is the video game. There is also the automotive or aeronautical industry, medical imaging, architecture, etc. Becoming a 3D modeler: the necessary studies and qualities To become a 3D modeler, it is essential to have specific diplomas. These are preferably to be completed by a diploma of art school, such as Ensad, Gobelins and Beaux-arts. One can also opt for a creator/designer DSAA visual communication option. Among these diplomas, one can thus turn to a BTS audiovisual professions with the option image professions for a BAC + 2 level. For a BAC + 3 level, you can choose the bachelor 3D modeler from the Stratum School of Design. A Pro License Sound and Image Techniques can also do the trick. For those who are interested in the profession, now there are even specialized schools in the field of video games offering training. We can therefore mention the Émile Cohl school, Supinfogame, ISART Digital and the National School of gaming and interactive digital media or Enjmin. What about the qualifications required to hold this position ? To become a 3D modeler, it is also essential to master various complex software essential in the field. One must also have knowledge of the industry in which one operates. It can be physics, anatomy, architecture, etc. In short, any interested individual should keep abreast of the latest innovations in the sector concerned. It must therefore carry out a technological as well as artistic watch.

    What about the salary and career development of the 3D modeler ?

    The salary of a beginner 3D modeler is on average from 1800 euros to 2000 euros gross per month. If he undergoes art training to supplement his knowledge and develop his skills, he can become a 3D animator. Instagram is on top now, that’s why it is necessary to have a high-qualified and creative designer in the team. AN INSTAGRAM DESIGNER CREATES SMALL RETRO EFFECTS IN AUGMENTED REALITY You may have already been able to test his work. George Kedenburg is the favorite designer of Instagram fans who have a weakness for the retro look. Now Instagram filters allow to add many effects. augmented reality has indeed invaded the social network. It has its little effect, its fan community on Instagram. George Kedenburg recreates filters on Instagram that smell of the 90s. Perfect for those who want to give a particular style to their shots. George Kedenburg offers us a retro look He is a product designer at Instagram. George Kedenburg, however, is now much more than that. On the platform, he gave birth to a gallery of special effects in augmented reality. Each time, his creations have a great thing in common. They are inspired by the old technology, more specifically, that of computers of the 1990s and programs of the time like MS Paint. This is especially what we discover in a retro shot published on Twitter. His face appears in an office called " desktop96 ". It can be seen through several programs with slightly retouched names. To the Paint program which becomes Art or LikeSweeper renamed Minesweeper. Tapping the screen will be enough to change the effect. However, be careful not to abuse it, its creation would be a little unstable. On another retro shot, published by our Instagram colleagues, it appears with a half-charged battery icon. This is not the first to create an augmented reality effect on Instagram. Kylie Jenner had done the same for her makeup line. Speaking about the 3d animator, more details of this special job is presented below. 3D ANIMATOR: EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT THIS JOB The 3D animator is the professional who gives life to the different characters of any video game, VR or not VR. The same applies to the various objects and decorations. For this, he creates their behaviors and movements. In order to achieve this, it is based on gameplay, narration and possible technical constraints. The profession of the 3D animator is one of the possible professions in the field of virtual reality. For those who wish to integrate this universe, this is an option that they can indeed favor. She offers them a lot of opportunities. Here is everything there is to know about this profession for everyone who is interested in it. Job description The 3D animator occupies several roles in the field of 3D animation and virtual reality. Indeed, he is at the same time computer scientist, graphic designer, technician and artist. To animate various characters in two or three dimensions, he uses all kinds of software dedicated to this purpose. Among these are 2D and 3D software, such as Maya, 3ds Max, etc. There are also animation software, such as Character Studio, MotionBuilder, etc. The goal of the professional is therefore to make each character of a video game stand-alone as much as possible, but not only. It also aims to create emotion. In short, he brings the elements of the game to life by giving, for example, intensity to a look, making a face truly expressive, etc.Note that this specialist must work closely with the artistic director. His intervention is also requested after that of the 3D modeler.

    3D Animator: the training to follow and the skills required to become one

    To become a 3D animator, there are now quite a few training courses in animation from level bac + 2 to bac + 5. For the BAC + 2 level, you can opt for the DMA animation cinema. As for the BAC + 3 level, candidates for the position can turn, for example, to the Ina motion designer diploma, the DN Made mentions : animation, digital, etc. For the BAC + 5 level, they can choose, among other things, a diploma from a film school : ENSLL, Esra or Fémis. The master pro specialty games and interactive digital media can also do the trick. With regard to the skills and qualifications required to hold such a position, any candidate must remain on the lookout for trends in the gaming industry. In particular, we are talking about technological innovations in the sector. He must then devote time to documentation and research. He must also know a content integration tool and a level editor, and master scripting techniques. Reactivity, creativity and rigor are finally essential. What about the salary and career development of this professional ? A beginner in 3D animation usually receives a gross salary of 1800 euros to 2200 euros per month. However, the numbers are better in the Paris region. Also, specialists who work as freelancers have the opportunity to negotiate their various assignment contracts. As for the career evolution of the 3D animator practicing in the world of video games, he can take more responsibility in the evaluation and realization of a project. It can also specialize in different, more delicate tasks. He can even turn to animated cinema, even cartoon.



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