    What devices were more likely to buy the Ukrainians in 2020
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    • What devices were more likely to buy the Ukrainians in 2020

    What devices were more likely to buy the Ukrainians in 2020

    Analyst olx has shown that the people quarantined were more likely to play video games, because in 2020, increased the popularity of the consoles: in 2020 they bought two times more than in 2019 – 15 800 units, according to a press release service olx.

    Because of the lockdown, the Ukrainians spent more time at home, so home appliances, too, began to choose 93% more this year than in the past. Shopping olx shipping was two times more than in 2019 (28 000 deliveries, compared with 14 500).Also, Ukrainians are almost two times more often began to buy equipment for the kitchen (35 400 shopping comparison 18 800 the previous year).

    Nearly twice as likely become to buy headphones and microphones (79 200 purchases instead of 43 800 in 2019) to work at home. 75% more often began to take desktop computers and accessories (217 000 purchases and 124 000 in 2019). Among the laptops in the ad were more often seen brands Asus, HP and Lenovo.

    In the section “electronics” Ukrainians most often searched for “laptop” – more than 1 million requests, “iphone x” – 621 000 searches, “iphone 7” – 541 000 searches, “airpods” – 513 000 searches, “xiaomi” – 441 000 searches. Leaders in the number of ads smartphones have become the device Apple, in second place — Samsung and Xiaomi.

    • The study showed that the majority of Ukrainians do not know how to protect personal data when shopping online.



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