    Twitch will change the smiley PogChamp every 24 hours
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    • Twitch will change the smiley PogChamp every 24 hours

    Twitch will change the smiley PogChamp every 24 hours

    Yesterday, Twitch has removed popular PogChamp smile because its author, the Cyberathlete Ryan Gutierrez (Ryan Gutierrez) under the name gootecks, supported the riots in the Capitol. The streaming platform has vowed to find a replacement, enlisting the help of the community. And already found!

    The website relished the idea of leading PC Gaming Show Shawn Plott (Sean Plott), also known as Day[9]. He proposed to create a database of streamers and/or other persons, so that every time when someone sends PogChamp, chat randomly display one of those smiles.

    Only Twitch slightly changed the proposed rules PogChamp will take on a new form every 24 hours. The honor of the first to transform the smile had streamer Makalu Kenny (Kenny McWild), he UnRooolie, who had previously nominated themselves as a candidate.

    Apparently, the next person PogChamp will be a surprise.



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