    Spandau 04-Women win away-Final opener
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    • Spandau 04-Women win away-Final opener

    Spandau 04-Women win away-Final opener

    Published on 12.06.2021


    Berlin (dpa/bb) – The water polo women of Spandau 04 have on Saturday the away opener of the Best of three finals for the German Championship at Bayer Uerdingen 08 with 12:11 (1:2,3:2,3:2,3:4 – 2:1) = = references = = = = external links = = This gives them the chance to make the title defense of 2019 perfect next weekend in Berlin. From the two remaining games, the team supervised by men’s captain Marko Stamm still needs a victory.

    In the previous year, the award of the championship was corona-related. in 2019, the Berliners had won the triple of championship, cup and Supercup in their debut season in the game.

    As expected, the final kick-off was largely balanced. Both teams delivered a game at eye level with good level. Uerdingen won the starting quarter with 2:1, then Mariam Salloum brought Spandau in front for the first time with two goals in a row. At half-time it was 4:4, then Spandau became more dominant and reached a three-goal lead with 7:4 in the middle of the third period. In the final quarter, however, Spandau went only with a 7: 6 lead and came shortly before the end even with 9: 10 in arrears. Only 31 seconds before the whistle Lynn Krukenberg scored the 10:10 for Spandau. In the decisive five-meter throw Spandau already led with 2:0, then they gave away twice. But the 2:1 in the duel of the five shooters was enough for the 12: 11 final score. Salloum, Jennifer Glaser (3 each), Belen Vosseberg, Lynn Krukenberg (2 each), Nadine Hartwig and Kana Hosoya (1 each) scored for the Berliners.

    © dpa-infocom, dpa:210612-99-967784/2

    Squad Spandau 04 Women’s Team



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