    Programming and books-are they worth buying?
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    • Programming and books-are they worth buying?

    Programming and books-are they worth buying?

    Programming can be learned not only in schools or universities, but also in their own field. In the latter case, various materials are helpful. But is it still worth betting on books in our time, or is it better to stop on the knowledge found on the internet?

    More and more young people dream of becoming a programmer, which translates every year into a huge interest in the IT fields of Polish universities, as we already wrote in the article “universities for programmers – which are the best in Poland?”. However, not all people who are engaged in coding, graduate. Many of them are self-taught. On StackOverflow, you can find statistics that show that 46 million people are engaged in programming in the world, of which 31 million are people who treat coding as a hobby or learn programming themselves.

    As you can see, programming fascinates a lot of people and at different ages. Not unimportant is also the fact that the programmer is a profession sought after in the labor market, and in addition a scarce one. The European Commission estimates that Poland may lack up to 50 thousand. computer scientists. In this situation, it should not be surprising that many people learn to code even on their own. We are testing whether traditional sources of knowledge, such as books, can be helpful in this.

    Books as a source of knowledge

    Until a few years ago, books were the obvious and one of the best sources of information. Times have changed and access to knowledge through the internet has changed. Today it is the primary source of information. On the web, you can easily find a huge amount of paid and free courses, tutorials and tips. When we are concerned about a programming problem or simply do not understand something, we can ask a question on one of the forums, and sooner or later we will receive an answer. In such a situation, it would seem that it is not worth reaching for books (regardless of whether it is printed versions or e-books). But is it really true?

    However, let’s not immediately write books at a loss. It is simply one of the sources of knowledge, which, contrary to appearances, is very much appreciated. This is evidenced by the huge popularity of some titles. At Bulldogjob we assume that it is worth learning programming using different methods and sources of knowledge. Books can be very helpful especially for people who are just starting their coding adventure. Most textbooks are composed very precisely, they are arranged thematically presenting the issues in the order in which it is best to know them.

    A big advantage of the book is also the possibility to take it wherever we go. It works great, for example, when traveling, when we are offline, and there is no wi-fi nearby. However, it is important to choose publishing positions that will complement the knowledge gained, for example, on the internet, and not duplicate it.

    In fact, the usefulness of a book in learning programming depends on its level of content and on the ability of the author in the transfer of knowledge. Therefore, not every publishing position is worthy of attention. However, there are titles on the market that have long occupied bestseller lists.

    Recommended books

    Especially for you, we looked through numerous forums and traced various statements, wanting to find out which publishing positions are most often recommended by programmers or people who are just gaining knowledge in the field of coding. Some titles were repeated many times, others were treated with unflattering comments. We decided to select for you some of the most popular publishing items. Below is a short list. By the way, it is worth emphasizing that depending on the programming language, the recommended books will be different, but some of them are universal, because they focus on the very idea of coding and on good practices.

    Clean code. The good programmer’s guide – Robert C. Martin

    The item is really for everyone who would like to learn how to write perfect code or at least get close to it. This is a book for those people who already have some idea about programming and would like to develop their skills. It will be easiest to assimilate knowledge to readers who know Java, because examples are presented in this language.

    Pragmatic Programmer. From journeyman to master-Andrew Hunt, David Thomas

    A light and extremely interesting book for all those who would like to read about programming in general and about the profession of a programmer. To do this, you can find here numerous tips. For many programmers, this is a classic of computer science literature and a mandatory position.

    Symphony C ++ Standard. Object-oriented C++ programming-Jerzy Grębosz

    The book is often recommended for people who are just entering the world of C++. The publishing position itself is offered with a note on the cover “easy manual” and this term probably best characterizes this book.

    C++. School of programming – Stephen Prata

    A highly praised publication item, described by many readers as one of the best sources of information about C++. A book written in an accessible language, clearly explaining various complex issues of coding in C++. Ideal position for novice programmers.

    C#. Move your head! – Jennifer Greene, Andrew Stellman

    A very good manual for people who already know something about C#, but would like to organize messages and, by the way, even expand their skills. A book written in an accessible language, transparent, containing a lot of examples.

    Of course, this is only a small print of what is worth reading about programming, but we wanted to show first of all that there are good books on the market that are worth knowing and which are good to use, expanding your programming knowledge. And what publishing positions do you recommend? We look forward to your suggestions.



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