    It guy got hit by a bus with the security forces. But the case was brought on the victim
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    • It guy got hit by a bus with the security forces. But the case was brought on the victim

    It guy got hit by a bus with the security forces. But the case was brought on the victim

    Pros Minsk threatens till 6 years of imprisonment for hooliganism. He is accused of damaging the cars of law enforcement officers during protests. The piquancy of the situation is that before the arrest of the it guy was hit by a minibus with security forces. This story describes tut.by.

    The accident happened on November 15 in Minsk Pushkin Avenue. At this time, security forces dispersed protesters who tried to gather for traditional Sunday March.

    According to eyewitnesses, at first the roadway was a fight: security officers wanted someone to pull in the standing of the beads, but the man resisted.

    — And then the guy ran out into the roadway. He tossed something to the side of the van, which was carrying people. At this point, on an opposite from the “Pushkin” went one of the blue beads, the pedestrian didn’t even notice him. Car right side hit him. I even thought that the driver did it deliberately — said one of the witnesses.

    It guy (name is Stepan) eventually arrested and taken first to Frunzenski police Department and then to the emergency hospital under police escort. He was hospitalized, but the house was guarded, none of the relatives were not allowed inside, talking on the phone is also not allowed, only took the transfer.

    Doctors found that the Stepan injury multiple body regions, head injury. Alcohol in blood was found. The patient is stitched, the neck immobilizerpower collar.

    — On the third day of Stepan from the hospital moved in Akrestsin street. A few days later was transferred to Zhodino, where he is still. Letter it reaches is very bad, and that is not all, — the girl told the detainee Xenia.

    As later reported the police Department of Minsk, the 34-year-old man while on the roadway, did not observe traffic rules, thus putting yourself and others at risk. As a result of his actions, an accident with a pedestrian and a minibus.

    According to Xenia, in respect of Stepan opened a criminal case under article 339 of the criminal code of Belarus for hooliganism. He faces a sentence of up to six years of imprisonment. However, details of investigation of accidents and “hooliganism” unknown to her — the lawyer is under a subscription about nondisclosure.

    — Like Stepan damaged the car of the security forces when throwing any stones or gravel. Even counted the damage, but I don’t know. Although we repeatedly watched the video of this incident and saw that some items arrived in vans, threw out once. None of the relatives and friends weren’t there, he generally went about their business in the area, — said Xenia.



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