The evening of 5 January in several districts of Minsk were detained by unknown people. It was later revealed that at least part of these were unknown officers. Today was the trials. One of them pros — Artyom Shukanov, writes TUT.BY. found out that Artem is a sales Manager in the company Andersen.
According to the Protocol, Artyom Shukanov was detained January 5, about 22 hours in the yard on the street Lozinski is in Uruchcha. In the case where the testimony of two policemen from the Pershamaiski district militia Department of Maruca and miloserdova. They argue that Shukanov has violated the Law “On mass events”, taking part in the rally, further indicated that it was still picket — Shukanov and about 20 people were with flags, shouted: “long live Belarus!”
By Artyom Shukanov explained that truthfully in the Protocol only specifies the time of the arrest. That night no one in the yard not protested and not picketed, the neighbors got together and drank tea, and when almost everyone was gone, the yard in a car approached the unknown strong guys, some more of the same and ran without any explanation began to detain people.
The lawyer Tatyana Cordovez noticed that in the case of possible falsification in different documents are different signatures of the precinct Maruca. In addition, it is unclear whether the actually in the militia Department, such officer as the second witness — mercy. In addition, the Internet was published video of the moment of detention Shukanova and its neighbors, which shows that no flags are they have no resistance during the arrest they do not have, is unknown in civil just grab people without warning or explanation, in violation of the Law “On internal Affairs bodies”.
The lawyer read out in court Shukanova positive characteristic from a work place, it indicates that Tom is a key employee of the company, and what is planned for next week important business trip — meeting with the customer, which cannot be undone.
If Chukanova appoint an administrative arrest may not be met, the contract that provides for the export revenue in the amount of 1 million euros, it threatens to deprivation of work for the ten employees of the company, the budget is not received a substantial amount of taxes.
Judge Maksym Trusevich drew attention to some inaccuracies in the materials of the case. First, incorrect installation data the detainee. Secondly, the Protocol first indicates that Shukanov took part in the meeting and below that, he participated in the picket, and different events, according to the Law “On mass events”. In the end, the materials are sent to the head of the police Department to eliminate the deficiencies so that the case will be held next meeting. As the decision was announced 20 minutes before closing court, it is obvious that today the police will not have time to Refine the materials. The 72-hour detention period expires Artem Shukanova about 22 hours on Friday, January 8, this day in court. On the question of the lawyer, if released today Shukanova, the judge explained that the decision will be taken by the police.
It is also reported that in addition to Shukanova in the night sky that day, detained another it specialist — programmer Artem Martynov. The lawyer Tatyana Cordovez told the court that Martynov was diagnosed with a coronavirus and pneumonia, he is on sick leave and on today, January 6, he was scheduled to visit a doctor.
Business analyst Andrey Kinash was in the hospital after the arrest in Uruchcha On the topic of Business analyst Andrey Kinash was in the hospital after the arrest in the night sky
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