Published on 12.06.2021
Kiel (dpa/lno) – The seven-day incidence of new corona infections in Schleswig-Holstein is 9.2. This is according to data from the state registration office in Kiel on Saturday. The previous day, the figure had been 9.5 new cases per 100,000 inhabitants in a week. According to the Robert Koch Institute, the figure was 18.3 nationwide.
In Schleswig-Holstein, 33 newly reported infections were added within a day, compared to 38 a week earlier. The number of deaths in connection with a corona infection is still 1613.
The number of people in hospital with Covid-19 remained at 46, according to the data. 20 corona patients were treated in intensive care units, 18 of them on ventilation.
The regions with the highest seven-day incidence in the country are the districts of Stormarn (20.5) and Pinneberg (19.0). The lowest numbers are in Neumünster, Flensburg and Plön.
© dpa-infocom, dpa:210612-99-968459/2
Corona Cases Schleswig-Holstein
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