    An ex-Google X executive says that it only takes one change to avoid AI doomsday scenarios - and it concerns you directly
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    • An ex-Google X executive says that it only takes one change to avoid AI doomsday scenarios - and it concerns you directly

    An ex-Google X executive says that it only takes one change to avoid AI doomsday scenarios - and it concerns you directly

    Elon Musk, Stephen Hawking or Steve Wozniak fear that artificial intelligence (AI) technologies may pose a danger in the future.

    And they are not the only ones: apocalyptic scenarios have been imagined, for example, by the insurer Allianz, in the event that AI was used for malicious purposes.

    But to prevent these scenarios from one day becoming reality, Mo Gawdat, former chief business officer (CBO) of Google X, Alphabet's crazy betting laboratory, told Business Insider France that it is really enough to change one thing:

    "The only answer to having a better future is to understand that the way machines learn is exactly the same as the way we learned when we were children. And today machines learn from us — we are their parents."

    The man who left Google X a short time ago to "make a billion people happy" via his #onebillionhappy movement is suing:

    "All you need to do is prioritize your happiness so that the interactions you have with the web are 'I care about being happy-se' and 'I care about making others happy-ses'. If you can teach these two things to machines, they will become caring teenage girls."

    The ex-Google X executive thus indicated that the real problem is the values that we are currently transmitting to machines with AI:

    "And what do they learn from their parents? They learn from violence, greed, competitiveness, ego, all the habits that we establish in the modern world, which never include: 'I want to be happy-myself' or 'I care about someone else's well-being'."

    According to Mo Gawdat, AI technologies will be "the most intelligent creatures on Earth in less than 15 years or even in 40 years, it doesn't matter". He claimed that there is no point in trying to deceive them by influencing the datasets, putting security firewalls or regulating them, because machines will find ways around all this, being smarter than us.



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