    Cross-platform game development by outsourcing

    Cross-platform game development by outsourcing

    Many today cannot imagine their life without computer games because it makes it easy to relax and forget about everyday problems. It leads to the fact that many today have ideas for their projects. Cross-platform game development by outsourcing will allow you to implement your idea quickly and get a high-quality product.

    How does cross-platform game development work?

    Cross-platform game development is a fairly complex process that involves several necessary steps.

    Project development

    To begin with, you need to think through many aspects — the story, design, sound effects, gameplay, on which platforms it should be available, and much more. The better you think about your project, the easier it will be for developers to develop a product that you and your users will like.

    It is crucial at the first stage to perform a deep analysis of the market to determine how many projects of the same format or with the same theme already exist (maybe the market is already crowded, and your project is simply irrelevant). You also need to identify the leading competitors, understand their advantages and disadvantages, and how to use this information in your work.

    We involve graphics and animation specialists in developing the project, who will help build the most appropriate image of the characters and the environment.


    Writing code

    The difference with cross-platform development is that you must create separate code elements for each platform where your product should be available.

    In addition, you need to choose the most suitable engine:

    • Turbulenz;
    • Cocos2d-x;
    • Unity 3D;
    • Unreal;
    • MonoGame.

    Each has its advantages for individual projects. For example, Turbulenz and Unity 3D are ideal for 3D projects, while the rest allow you to create faster and easier projects with a fascinating story and rich functionality. If you order cross-platform game development on outsourcing, our experts will help you choose the perfect engine for your project.


    After you finish developing the software, it is necessary to conduct complex testing. It will allow you to identify flaws in the program code, determine vulnerabilities and performance and find opportunities to solve them quickly.

    Manual and automated testing simultaneously will allow you to identify more errors that can determine what points players may not like.

    Benefits of outsourcing cross-platform game development

    By itself, cross-platform mobile game development has a large number of advantages, as evidenced by the following statistics:

    • 87% of players are looking for new cross-platform games;
    • 43% want to have more options while playing.

    Using this format, you can increase your income by increasing the audience. Interest in mobile games is growing at a tremendous speed today. According to some forecasts, in 2025, more than 70% of Google Play revenue will be generated by computer games. Many users expect that they will be able to access their favorite mobile game on a personal computer and vice versa.

    Creating such a game takes more time, but it will be easier for you to scale it further and make it more accessible on multiple platforms.

    If you decide to create a cross-platform game, it will be good if you outsource development; this has several significant advantages:

    • High quality of the finished product;
    • Cost reduction by approximately 20%;
    • High development speed;
    • Excellent qualifications.

    When you hire employees, you must provide them with enough work and high salaries, and at the same time, specialists must have extensive work experience and excellent qualifications. Many specialists are working on one project, so it is better to hire outsourcing specialists because this will allow you to develop the project more efficiently, faster, and at lower financial costs.

    What problems can you face?

    As already mentioned, developing a cross-platform game is a rather complicated process, where many problems can arise. So, you can spend quite a lot of time testing if you pay little attention to performance analysis. In addition, you may be missing something when designing FPS, game flow, process loading, and graphic protest.

    When developing cross-platform games, developers must do a lot of repetitive work to balance performance and visual quality. Identifying unnecessary content that loads the CPU and GPU takes time.

    If you order cross-platform game development outsourcing, then you can avoid all these problems. Our company has a large team of professionals who know what concerns they may face and how to solve them quickly.



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