Who created virtual reality?
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  • Who created virtual reality?

Who created virtual reality?

In recent years, high-level companies have become increasingly interested in virtual reality technology. After all, with such tools you can create a virtual world with which you can see a fictional world reconstructed on the basis of realistic three-dimensional graphics. Despite the fact that the concept of virtual reality (VR) is a fairly popular concept, but this does not mean that this technology is new. And it is no coincidence that the world's giant companies have been approaching this sector for many years, actively studying and already implementing developments to expand the future market. To understand who created virtual reality, you have to turn back to the distant year of 1957. In that year, a certain Morton Heylig created a unique device called the Sensorama. It was a one-of-a-kind mechanical machine that could perform various seat movements, make sounds, and smells while watching a movie, allowing the viewer to feel a direct presence on stage. At the time, it was a truly fascinating and mesmerizing experience. But the further development of such a device did not lead to the interest in it cinemas, which did not have the necessary funds to purchase expensive equipment. Subsequently, a portable version was created and subsequently patented. The augmented reality headset was first created in 1968 by Ivan Sutherland, who made an incredible breakthrough in history. But augmented reality should not be confused with virtual reality. Augmented reality superimposes digital information on the real environment, and specifically in the case of this development, then 3D glasses were used to superimpose a three-dimensional image on the surrounding space. The device was quite heavy, and so it was mounted to the ceiling, so that the user would not hold its weight. Subsequently, the developer eliminated the problem of heavy equipment weight by creating a video helmet, which was more advanced and lighter in comparison with the previous development. On the one hand the history is filled with absolutely incredible developments, though not fully perfected, but on the other hand the lack of demand and people's lack of understanding of the revolutionary value of these devices. A lot of subsequent developments have never found their popularity and popular appeal, as they were perceived as something figurative and uninteresting. A few years later, in the early 2000s, an American teenager Palmer Lackey created the first VR headset - Oculus VR virtual reality glasses. Thanks to this guy and his development, the virtual reality market is becoming increasingly popular and is being recognized as a platform of the future by companies giants, namely Mark Zuckenberg. For this reason, many big companies invested in this sector and succeeded in the following years.



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