    How to become Unreal Engine developer? Part 2
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    • How to become Unreal Engine developer? Part 2

    How to become Unreal Engine developer? Part 2

    In continuation to the previous article on how to become a Unreal Engine developer, I would like to mention that it is important to become familiar with such tools as text editors, programs for 3D modeling, as well as source control systems. Each developer, gaining experience, masters the various tools that will be used to create their projects, so it is important to consider each of them:

    • 3D modeling software: For developers to create content, like apps or games, they need a functional tool that can create three-dimensional models. The most popular examples in this case are Blender and Autodesk Maya, which are quite widely used in the game industry as well as in many other fields like product design, film production, etc. There are many other programs on the market today. These powerful toolkits can be used not only for object modeling, but also for animation, which gives an additional level of depth when developing dynamic environments in an engine project.
    • A vital part of every game development process is writing code, whether coding materials, plugins or scripting, in either case the free access to functional programming languages provides high functionality and flexibility compared to what it would be if only visual scripting solutions were used. With text editors such as Visual Studio Code (VS Code), which already comes with features designed specifically for the Unreal Engine, it is possible to edit C++ components and shader graphs exactly as you would expect them to be in UE4. In doing so, users can customize parameters to suit their personal needs and preferences.
    • In addition, you can take advantage of Notepad++, which provides useful search functions to quickly navigate through complex bit code, without having to jump between lines every time there is a need to replace something simple.
    • Last but not least, there is the ability to use source control systems that allow teams to collaborate with each other with high efficiency, managing asset directories, compiling builds, ensuring the latest version of what has worked so far. This allows you to reach your project iteration goal much faster, since you don't have to wait for long file exchanges.

    To speed up development time, it is possible to use existing assets of other developers in the community

    If there is a need to quickly develop a project in Unreal Engine and there is no way to start from scratch, then it is acceptable to use existing assets from other developers with which there is an opportunity to speed up development time. That's why it's important to consider some tips for finding and using assets from other community developers that will help speed up development time, as well as how to creatively use asset libraries and build on top of existing ones. The first thing to know is where to pick up quality assets that you think will work for your project. There are now many options available for purchasing and free downloads of high-quality 3D models that are ready to be used in the engine. Many marketplaces offer packages that include some compatible elements packaged together at bargain prices. After receiving such elements, you need to think about what else you can do with them, you may need to combine several objects into one large model or flip them. This issue should be approached creatively, as individual parts of one object can become something new for another. For example, if characters have been created, they can be outfitted differently, along with this to create diversity between two models of the same plan, so they do not have the same settings in the games, even if technically and practically it is the same. Another great way to find content quickly is the Asset Library, which has the ability to reduce file size by eliminating duplicates that are stored in projects unnecessarily. The ability to centrally manage these links has the ability to prevent sprawl at any time in long term development cycles. Given old projects, it is always necessary to consider what was used then before deciding the need for a redesign now. There is no need to spend time recreating features that are already present in other projects, unless it is necessary because of a significant change in functionality over time since their last development.

    Development of custom game elements using various rendering methods and physics engines

    The development of custom game elements forms the basis of development in Unreal Engine, for which there is a need to use different physics engines and rendering methods. One of the most popular physics engines for developers in Unreal Engine is PhysX from NVIDIA. This tool is very powerful because it can create realistic physics effects such as friction, gravity, acceleration, and momentum, allowing you to design them into your own with minimal coding knowledge and effort. PhysX opens up incredible possibilities, like dynamic destruction sequences that simulate real-world collisions between objects in the game world, that need no additional code writing. A great option for creating unique game elements is to use rendering techniques like ray tracing, which can simulate the behavior of light in nature reflected off surfaces to create more realistic images than traditional methods. As a result, impressive realistic images can be produced, even on hardware systems that are low-performance. In addition, some new implementations consist of shadows that increase realism when used properly in a 3D environment. If there is a need to create characters with full body awareness, having Motion Capture technology can help with this. It provides opportunities for actors to apply specialized costumes specifically designed to capture human movements, automatically transferred to a compatible format UE. So before you import them into your project all the hard work will already be done.

    Use virtual reality (VR) for immersive projects

    Today, virtual reality is increasingly being used in many fields, especially in the entertainment and gaming industries. With it, users can fully immerse themselves in a highly realistic three-dimensional environment with which to interact with actions and movements. Virtual reality is of enormous benefit to developers, as it allows them to work on projects such as applications, architecture, interior design, based on simulation. If we talk about development using the Unreal Engine, there are many advantages of using virtual reality technology. First of all, it allows you to provide an immersive effect when you need to develop different aspects of your project. It is also possible to test different points of interaction with the user, including the control of objects using motion sensors. In addition, there is the ability to develop multiple projects simultaneously, as each project is self-contained in its own space, making debugging easier. The interactive nature of the VR environment is enough to provide visually pleasing results compared to traditional visual effects.


    Unreal Engine is highly powerful and therefore allows developers to create unique and stunning experiences. With all the knowledge, resources, and dedication at your disposal, it is possible to gain all the skills needed to reach your potential as a Unreal Engine developer. Using the capabilities of this game engine, ServReality developers can interact more effectively with customers, quickly develop modern applications and games, and create realistic virtual experiences. Part 1



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