    How is Artificial Intelligence used in sports
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    • How is Artificial Intelligence used in sports

    How is Artificial Intelligence used in sports

    The sports industry has been among the most profitable ones for several dozens of years . In the North American sports industry alone only spectator sports represent more than 1 . 1 % of GDP . Technology has the potential to bring even more revenue to the industry , connecting spectators and players , popularizing new styles of sports , and making events accessible in new ways . Additionally , AI - powered applications can help teams and coaches to deliver better performance and track improvements . So , technology can create an impactful change in all sports areas , making the process more enjoyable for all participants .

    Major Sports

    The most profitable area of sports is major sports - the ones that are followed by billions of people all over the world - soccer , basketball , American football . Here , AI technology can make an impact on changing the nature of broadcasting , connect spectators to sports stars , and find interactive ways for people to participate in sports events .

    Facebook chatbots

    It's getting increasingly more common for football and basketball teams to create messenger bots that provide users with information on sports events , player updates , and create interactive inexperience . One of the first cases of successful use of chatbot was KAI - a chatbot of Sacramento Kings .

    Mobile bots and applications

    The National Hockey League ( NHL ) is leading the way in using Artificial Intelligence solutions to increase its engagement . Tampa Bay Lighting partnered virtual assistant company , Satisfi Labs . Together , they created a Thunder Bot - a mobile application that answers to fans , helps to buy tickets , gives parking insights , and informs the fanbase about new achievement . The bot increases convenience but also gives a personal touch to fans ' experiences .

    Technology for safety in sports

    Some sports are more dangerous than others - like car racing . No wonder that NASCAR is heavily investing in preventing crashes and deaths - each accident costs at least $ 300 , 000 - and this is even without repair expenses .  Ford partnered Argo Artificial Intelligence to develop a computer vision system for sports cars . If there is a chance of an accident , an AI - fueled application will predict a potential crash and quickly override the driver's actions with pre - installed security measures , leading to revenue improvements . Moreover , Ford reported that the application is superior to people in its capacity to identify other race cars and threats . Not only can it identify technical issues with a car before the race , but it also helps to get rid of small malfunctions in time and improve performance .

    Applications for sports journalism and media sectors

    In sports journalism , it's essential to communicate messages quickly and keep communications personal and relevant for every fan . Automated Insights is a startup that uses Artificial Intelligence to cover Minor League Baseball events . AI can write articles about the latest games , cover multiple leagues and teams , and aggregate information from all over the web . The startup reported an increase in profits in 12 times . AI in sports journalism is especially relevant because this type of reporting is heavily based on statistics and numbers . AI applications can automatically comply with reports , make predictions , and analyze players ' performance .

    Wearable AI devices and applications

    Wearing a device that measures the changes in the sportsman body provides players , coaches , journalists , and federations with valuable information on their health , efficiency , and methods . Here's how AI can deliver improvements .

    Combat AI technology

    Combat sports often face the problem of analyzing various microscopic techniques and movements , evaluating players ' performance , and detecting violations . Similarly , it's essential to track micro - injuries in time . Applications equipped with biometric artificial intelligence solutions can contribute to the process . PIQ , a French startup , already created a wearable device and an app that detects boxing movements , helping to maximize the value of training sessions and improve performance . The startup proved its relevance to international investors - it raised 5 . 5 million U . S . dollars in Series A .

    AI - equipped sneakers

    An Indian - based startup Boltt Sports Technologies works on AI wearable solutions and offers ' smart shoe ' connected with trackers and sensors that capture users ' data and supply the information to the app powered with AI . The application uses AI technology and Machine Learning to create recommendations for users . It can be used not only by professional players but by any person who's doing physical activities . Potentially , such a solution could be a professional alternative to coaches , nutritionists , and doctors to people who can't afford regular consults with professionals . The application is on the testing stage now , but we will likely see more similar offers in the future .

    Improving coaching practices

    AI can be used by professional teams to improve their tactics , strategies , and game preparation methods . In Oregon State University , researchers already use AI to analyze NFL games and train devices to understand football strategies . According to Alan Fern , the researcher in the university , AI technology can help to connect dots on conditions of each player , their moves , and connections between receivers and cornerbacks . Not only can AI applications calculate each player's ROIs , but also they are useful in grading the performance , and uncovering unnoticed by human coaches ' strategic depths .

    AI - based ticketing

    AI can potentially help fans to control their ticket purchases , change order details , and provide sports teams and their management with smart statistics on their sales . The San Francisco Deltas already tests AI in their quick ticketing application . With such an application , the fan will know which section has the loudest supporters , where each player can be seen best , which seat is best for what purpose , etc . The ticket selling technology would go beyond the row and number of a seat , but connect to user needs on a profound level .

    Sport broadcasting

    Artificial Intelligence can change how spectators experience games and tournaments . AI applications can help companies to pick the best game moments better and faster , provide spectators with multiple perspectives and possibilities to switch between angles seamlessly . The AI technology can even adapt to users ' preferences , showing moments or players that a spectator wants to follow .

    Tennis applications

    In 2019 , IBM analyzed the movements of tennis players during Wimbledon by using AI cognitive analysis and machine learning . The system also picked up the key moments in their actions and determined what had more broadcasting value . Moreover , IBM applications also focused on statistics , picked the best crowd moments , and identified the rarest footage . Similar technology can be used in other sports as well , helping to create more valuable broadcasts .

    Using computer vision to make decisions

    Tennis has been the leading sport the way in adopting AI - based referees . Investors in Bay Area created a pocket device and application which allows analyzing any tennis shot in real - time . Such a device can be used in professional and amateur matches alike . The best thing is , tennis enthusiasts can also afford such a tool - it costs only $ 199 .

    Wrapping up : Are you ready for AI in sports ?

    There is no doubt that Artificial Intelligence is impacting major , professional , and amateur sports and sports players . Spectators and participants on all levels can use smart insights , benefit from intelligent ticketing systems , and chatbots . AI applications will impact major sports first - it's the area that attracts investments and is attractive for tech leaders . Amateur sports is a standalone area - here we are likely to see the development of AI wearable devices , personal training assistants , and coaches . These changes won't concern only the North American sports industry , but federations and teams all over the world . AI will also change sports by impacting fields that are involved with sports - journalism , manufacturing ( cars ), ticket - selling services . In five more years , AI applications will likely penetrate most sports and all aspects of them , including high school athletic teams.



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