    Exploring AI Playbook
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    • Exploring AI Playbook

    Exploring AI Playbook

    A constant advanced information in the world faces a challenge to compete with time and demands of users. To write and sell the book is a very difficult and risky idea to develop. It is no difference what data the source contains. A book “Deep Learning AI Playbook” by Carlos Perez provides readers a specialized analysis of AI possibilities and limitations simultaneously. A thorough investigation of AI requires a special way of attention and a quick memorization of all received content. Reading this source reminds experts an adventure like in the series Black Mirror, where anyone may find something magical/unreal and real/unbelievable. For a majority of people, AI is enough developed and creates an atmosphere of a magical reality. There some principles the writer should follow to develop AI correctly and make a good content for the customers/readers:
    •       A connection with the audience and a generation of new advanced ideas
    Every work should be sometimes criticized. The feedbacks help to understand a future reaction to the book. A conversation between the writer and audience stimulates the writing as well.
    •       A written interpretation of an acquired knowledge
    The book is never over because of the knowledge observation. New facts, new skills, and new ideas provide a complete background for writers and develop them as the best experts.
    •       A business mindset is a key to success
    To be aware of the most important features of writing is quite essential to deal with while making a book (e.g. layout, writer’s methods of telling stories). An acquired manner of writing and the business world viewing creates a platform for writer’s perspectives.
    •       Constant step up
    To do more than one AI product. It is quite obvious to realize that the real user’s demands have a powerful influence on the writers.
    •       Testimonials as a part of the book’s promotion
    In the Deep Learning AI Playbook, it is said, that the impressions of people about the book are the main valuable accelerators for the book’s trade.
    •       Writing books is for inspiration, but not for financial prosperity
    Only passionate people should write books. Financial rewards cannot always be big because of the economics and additional spending. The process makes sense, nothing else. Looking through all principles and the book Deep Learning AI Playbook, it is necessary to say that AI will not stop developing and advancing. Users must not only be behind the curve.



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