    Construction Safety with Virtual Reality training
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    • Construction Safety with Virtual Reality training

    Construction Safety with Virtual Reality training

    The construction sphere is a commonly dangerous working area. Nowadays, all construction companies try to avoid or shorten cases of place accidents. The representatives of a company always search for any kind of innovative technology safety training application for construction. Virtual Reality training suggests an exclusive safe area to experience new possibilities without risks. New workers may find out how to apply the instruments and follow the instruction with Virtual Reality applications. Experienced workers may manage protection and safety guidelines as they get. Virtual Reality training eliminates the risks of breaking tools or having wounds. Virtual Reality applications help not to spend money on pricey instruments and enhance the learning process. With VR, training gets effective and cheap. ServReality virtual reality application developers form VR apps that may handle with business problems. Our specialization is a creation of training imitations, tours, multidimensional prototypes, and immersive videos. We have the practice to create VR apps for construction companies. Our goal is to form a specialized construction safety training with VR app. Our experts want a virtual reality app to instruct clients how important personal protection is while working with equipment. The means for personal protection may include garments, shoes, eyeglasses, specialized hats. The virtual reality project lets the employees clear up all guidelines before starting working on the construction. If the safety methods are not ignored, no injured will be. Virtual Reality simulation also includes the application; users can immerse themselves in the multidimensional prototype of the training environment. The main assignment of the app is to take the equipment which is crucial for construction safety. There are some categories that are important for creating training with VR. They are
    • The choice of virtual reality platform (Oculus VR, Unity 3D, HTC Vive)
    • The use of suitable 3D specifications (specifically the creation of the Virtual Reality area, including light and sound effects)
    • The creation of instructional menu (virtual guide and control of the safety)
    • Effectiveness and functionality of VR application (the creation of more realistic environment)
    • Possible obstacles and challenges (testing and prediction of safety violation cases)

    VR training possibilities for construction safety

    Every construction area on any stage of development is full of probable accidents. Even if the workers are good at one particular sphere, they may not know about the dangerous situations on the site. VR technology may impact on the architectural, and manufacturing spheres and, at the same time, save lives of workers or any construction representatives. The main advantage of 3d imitation and VR technology in building or construction projects is the complete safety of training sessions. Complicated situations and cases can be demonstrated by VR letting people practice unexpected and unfortunate moments in an imitated zone. The first reason to use VR for construction training practice is to avoid real dangers and vulnerabilities. For many companies, the main difficulty of the safety session is to apply the received knowledge in reality. VR helps to recreate a group of real scenes in a 3D area and stimulates to show particular skills learned while training sessions. The given practice helps the users to avoid problems in the open air, that’s why people can immerse VR practice by staying in their workplace. VR suggests new employees spend less money for training and new experience. With our VR safety training operators may gain practice and start working in real life making sure that they are prepared for it. Any inconvenience or interruption excluded; the client may perform everything from the place. VR training may be studied at any time with no problems for trainees. Another reason to implement virtual reality technology for construction is to prepare workers for emergency situations including fire, dangers, breaks. This experience shows the performance of personal equipment and obligatory actions in an emergency. The following reason for VR application creation is the improvement of performance. VR technology helps to train easily without any worries about the nearby surrounding place. The training is limitless than the physical variant. People may calmly direct on the training and find out many entertaining and important details. To be useful, VR training demonstrates not only possible dangers but also feelings and distractions that appear in the unsafe work area.

    Advantages of VR training for construction

    Generating physical building simulations has some limitations. There is no training where the full image of accidents is found. The constructors create only reasonable-height structures to accomplish the plan, to invest in a budget and to prepare in the environments, which can imitate the small part of dangers. VR training allows clients to face and to overcome even fatal dangers and activities. Modeling factual dangers and effects of following construction protection instructions is the most powerful advantage of applying VR technology. Exercising lets workers to get ready with all types of dangerous activities while performing a plan for a project. All conditions of work are accepted. Psychological and emotional dangers are also included in the list of cases. But the principal obligation of the trained is to follow the instructions and keep in mind all key facts. With VR session one can open real feelings of altitude, confusion, stresses, surrounding dangers, life threats. The given sensations are absent in training because one cannot overcome the boundaries of risk and perceive them adequately. Virtual Reality protection training is available 24/7 and is repeated many times. The additional price of handling Virtual Reality scenes is minimal in comparison with the prices in the world. The workers wear any suggested headsets and repeat the exercise securely to better results.

    Randomness and Estimation tools of VR training

    Reality flow is accidental. VR software predicts and finds this randomness. There is no doubt that the real world is filled with unpredicted random moments. Such factors interruptions, weather conditions, distractions, and all different changes maybe not added in the VR experience, but it leads to problems. The components intentionally are deleted from the training to make the workers pay attention to the basic terms. VR software overcomes the issues with randomization and stimulates the students to gain experience at any time they use safety training. As for the checking and estimation of safety training, VR software creates schemes for the particular area of the construction and then examines any component of the construction project: tools, conditions of work, plan of the building and possible risks. In construction safety session, examiners deal with the assessment of trainee knowledge under inappropriate circumstances. They estimate from the safety point of view, or from the specific position of the learners with a particular set of feelings.

    Aims, evaluation and relevance of VR training

    Protection training with VR makes people aim their attention at the material they learn. Any additional things such as hunger, or incoming call are not in the field of vision. Only special types of human mental distractions can weaken the training process and its duration.  Even personal thoughts should completely concentrate on getting knowledge.  It is important for construction companies where actions may cost lives. The advantage of VR, in this case, is to be fully involved.  Because VR training can reproduce the physical world and different components in the world, everyone should be attentive. VR immersive realistic training keeps trainees in tension and in a clear mind. VR training gives a more detailed and adequate estimation of the studying. Experts and learners have a great opportunity to evaluate and analyze their experience, success or failure. Health protection training may be created for particular companies, customized for fixed plans and norms. Every organization, location, and software is special. No matter what way workers are aware of all instructions, the reality may make some obstacles. Ordinarily, a project has some problems with the area of construction, specific requirements, weather peculiarities and complicatedness of deal itself. VR training makes the construction schemes be compatible, company-specialized, and regular without any unexpected expenses and time. In fact, courses and immersive realistic training show that the time needed for learning noticeably shortens than applying traditional training methods. VR training is useful if workers can memorize any detail of the received info.

    Characteristics of VR training

    There are some principal characteristics of Virtual Reality training that increase the learning duration:
    • Consistency
    • Relevance
    • The regularity
    • Engagement
    Consistency means that every Virtual Reality training plan may be offered users in a fixed and special way. Regularity of VR safety training is constant. Workers may repeat any part of the session when they want. Relevance – VR software suggests users transform or modify to personal expectations the training zone without any investments. Engagement includes the complete participation of the customer in the VR training and its software.



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