    Artificial Intelligence instruments for personal requirements
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    • Artificial Intelligence instruments for personal requirements

    Artificial Intelligence instruments for personal requirements

    The artificial intelligence and the upcoming industrial transformation have already advanced for the current 20 years. Some innovations can be observed in the market and business spheres. The investigation departments and the specialized companies have a similar aim of AI to provide a stable platform for labor and inner regulations. The list of AI instruments is sorted according to some categories: private ̸ at-home, job, public, personal advancement, health and fitness, personal comfort, professional support, entertainment, chatbots, news source, traveling, shopping, legal advice, financial assistance.
    • Private ̸ at-home AI instruments are:
    1. Ems – assists to find the best place for living
    2. UnifyID – gives the personal features according to the walk style, position, and stand.
    • Job
    1. Carly – the personal manager of the phone calls
    2. Newton – the best way to find a new job
    3. Robby – the acceptable calendar
    4. Stella – the screenshots and scans for the urgent work
    • Public
    1. Brightcrowd – assists to choose the perspective professional ties
    2. Hashley – produces the arrogant and sarcastic hashtags and commentaries for the personal photos
    3. Eezy – the evening routine with fun
    • Personal advancement
    1. Thirdleap – the mathematical assistant
    • Health and fitness
    1. Airi- the private health mentor
    2. Bitesnap – the counting of the calories
    3. Joy – the improvement and the guide of the mental health
    • Personal comfort
    1. Focus – assist to concentrate on the most significant tasks, prioritize the issues, take care of the day routine
    2. Mycroft – the voice assistant
    3. Alexa – the private assistant in the space of home
    • Professional
    1. Julie Desk – the gathering and timetable guide
    • Amusement
    1. Lifos – the complete interaction with the networks and the public
    1. Brin – the considered business decisions
    2. myWave – the daily chatbots
    3. Chatfuel – the Facebook chatbot
    • News Source
    1. News360 – find any news in accordance with the preferences
    • Tourism
    1. Emma – the calculation of the spending time
    2. HelloGbye – the booking of the traveling
    3. Ready – the traffic predictor and the trek period counter
    • Shopping
    1. Mode.ai – assists to find the accepted clothes online
    2. Butler – book the food service with voice
    • Finance assistance
    1. Ara – the guide for the individual financial plan
    2. Andy – the tax calculations
    3. Roger – helps to pay all bills without any efforts
    • Legal advice
    1. Docubot – the professional legal advice guide.
    In conclusion, one can say that artificial intelligence products can modify the casual spending time of people for better.  



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